Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

Cendrero, Antonio 
Intensity of visual intrusion is determined quantitatively (% of view occupied by the 
new structure) and qualitatively (generation of a series of RV with different levels 
of visual intrusion, to define a rank). 
The numerical values 
obtained (area, %) can then 
be modified using a 
coefficient which depends 
on the visual quality of the 
units affected. As in the 
case of SGI, the relevance 
of visual impacts can be 
established through 
comparisons with well- 
known examples of visual 
Figure 7. Simulation realistic of views. intrusion in the region. 
Figure 6c. Areas of 
significant visual 
impact in visual basin. 
The method presented provides a clearly defined and easy to apply means of measuring and evaluating impacts on very 
different types of geomorphological resources. Implementation of the method through a GIS is fast (as long as the 
necessary digital database is available). The assessment of impacts is carried out on the basis of quantitative indicators 
or qualitative but replicable evaluations. That is, the process is transparent and any operator would obtain similar 
results on the basis of a given data set. A similar approach could be useful to assess impacts on other types of static 
environmental components. 
This work is part of the GETS project (contract No FMRX — CT98 — 0162 (DG 12 — SLJE; TMRogramme, 
European Commission). 
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Servizio Paesaggi, Parchi e Patrimonio Naturale, Regione Emilia-Romagna. Bologna. 
Rivas V., Rix K., Franc s E., Cendrero A., Brunsden D., 1997. Geomorphological indicators for environmental impact 
assessment: consumable and non-consumable geomorphological resources. Geomorphology —18, pp. 169 — 182. 
SCOPE, 1995. Environmental indicators; a systematic approach to measuring and reporting on the environment in the 
context of sustainable development. Indicators of sustainable development for decision-making, Eds. Gouzee N., 
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Pa EE 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 249 

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