Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

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growth by combining directional and spectral remote sensing information. Remote Sens. Environ., 50, pp. 161-170. 
Clevers, J.G.P.W., and Van Leeuwen, H.J.C., 1996. Combined use of optical and microwave remote sensing data for 
crop growth monitoring. Remote Sens. Environ., 56, pp. 42-51. 
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ISPRS J. Photogramm. Remote Sens., 47, pp. 145-161. 
Jongschaap, R.E.E., 1996. ROTASK 1.0: a dynamic simulation model for continuous cropping and tillage systems. 
Reference manual. Haren: DLO Research Institute for Agrobiology and Soil Fertility AB-DLO Report 70, The 
Netherlands, 41 pp. + annexes. 
Jongschaap, R.E.E., 2000. Calibration and validation of ROTASK 1.5 simulation model on field data of the ReSeDA 
project in Southem France. With special reference to winter wheat. Plant Research International, Report (xx). 
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Maas, S.J., 1988. Use of remotely sensed information in agricultural crop growth models. Ecological Modelling, 41, pp. 
Prévot, L., Baret, F., Olioso, A., Wigneron, J.P., Clevers, J.G.P-W., Jongschaap, R.E.E. et al, 1998. Assimilation of 
multi-temporal remote sensing data to monitor vegetation and soil: the Alpilles-ReSeDA project. Proc. IGARSS '98 
Symposium, July 1998, Seattle, WA, USA, 3 pp. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 279 

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