Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

Cohen, Yafit 
images (Groome, 1998). Supervised grouping of phenological sub-classes into meaningful land covers followed the 
Isodata clustering. This process was based on training plots of cultivated fields from ground reference maps supplied by 
surveyors from the Israeli Agriculture Ministry and representing 1% of the total fields in the study area. Phenological 
features and geographical context consideration such as location and shape were also utilized in this grouping process. 
All plots were then compared with the classified image. The comparison process involved classification accuracy 
estimation and locating "mixed clusters" i.e. classification clusters, which represent more than one crop or other land 
cover. In addition, possible reasons were attached as comment to plots, which classified incorrectly. The coments related 
to phenological behavior, plot size, plot texture and location. They were organized in tables and then used for further 
learning and defining phenological behaviors as reflected from the NDVI images and their relations with image spatial 
considerations. Examination of Isodata classification image shows recognition of wheat, vetch, chickpea, pea, cotton, 
sunflower, orchards, high dense shrublands, other natural vegetation, non-vegetated area. 
Spectral PCA 
Comprehensive examination of "mixed clusters" had shown that phenological attributes are not sufficient for 
distinguishing between the orchards and other natural tree formations (NTF). PCA was applied separately on winter 
(April) and summer (June) spectral images. Second and third PC's were visually identified as the most discriminative for 
this purpose. Utilizing the NDVI format, difference enhancement of the two PCs was calculated following amplitude 
enhancement of each PC channel. These values were successfully utilized in order to differentiate between tree 
Average annual rainfall map 
Steep climatic gradients exist both North-to-South and West-to-East across the country. These climatic variations cause 
high variability in crop seeding and harvesting periods. Climatic index could mask climatic regions and limit specific 
phenological features to specific crop. Thus, identical features of two crops could be divided by the climatic mask and 
different sub-features of the same crop would be identified and united on the basis of their climatic-dependence 
differences. In this experimental recognition system an averaged annual rainfall map (1: 500000) from the Israeli 
Meteorological Center was combined as a representing climatic indicator. The analog map was scanned and converted 
into a co-registered raster form in a vector-to-raster process. 
Soil type map 
Soils have a strong influence on land use suitability and crop cultivation and on photosynthetic activity. Therefore, soil 
types map might improve recognition quality where for example similar phenological sub- features exist for both crop 
and natural vegetation types under similar climatic conditions. In the described experiment the soil contribution was 
examined on a small region from the study area, as both soil types heterogeneity in the study area is high and the 
connections between cultivated areas and soil types are complex. 
2.1.2 *Split-and-merge" rules-base [ ^] ; 
generation procedure 
Rules-base generation involved an 
inductive-learning of existing  inter- 
relations, among database sources; 
relation generalization process, rules 
formalization and combined sequence- 4 
dependent rules-base ^ construction 
(figure 1). Empirical samples chosen 
from ground reference maps provided 
examples of the concept to be learned. 
The learning course involved domain 
expert’s expertise to include from 
empirical samples some generalized em 
relations, that can be used to classify the 
remaining data (Huang & Jensen, 1997). 
In this study retrieved generalized 
relations were used as splitting criteria 
of unsupervised classification “mixed- 
clusters” in a “split-and-merge” classifi- 
cation refinement mechanism. Figure 2 Figure 2. Splitting criteria extraction procedure 
describes splitting criteria extraction 
stages. Firstly, relationship typology was 
examination with 
land cover type 
Sub clusters of 
Splitting rule 
generalization & 
Distinctive imagery 
one 0 Me 
Merging rule 
( Sub cluster ofi or clustémremain mixed formalization 
282 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000.

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