Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

da Costa, Sandra 
Selection of the data 
| | 1 
Aerial photography SPOT PAN - Topographic maps, 
| 1997 scale 1:10.000 
| | | | 
1953 1962 1973 1985 Input the contour 
T | T lines (each 5 meters) 
| | 
; ] ] 
aps 3D Slope 
model map 
Analysis of the 
urban growth 
: 1 
Figure 2 - Methodology flow chart 
3.1 Producing the urban area maps 
According to the flow chart, some data were collected to produce a map of urban area in distinct periods to identify 
changes in the urban space. Those maps were elaborated using aerial photography, scale 1:25,000, taken in 1953, 1962, 
1973, and 1985, and a SPOT panchromatic image, obtained in 1997, scale 1:25,000. From these data was extracted the 
urban limits that were digitized to Arc-Info GIS and manipulated (overlaid) to calculate the urban growth rate and to 
define the principal growth axes among each period of study. 
3.2 Elaborating the 3D model and slope map 
The urban perimeter of Sáo José dos Campos city is covered by 21 topographic maps in the scale 1:10,000. All these 
maps were digitized considering the contour lines, obtained each 5 meters. After that, a slope map was produced with 
five classes of slope, in degrees, using Arc-Info commands: createtin (produces a tin from an arc-vector data), finarc 
(produces a slope map in degrees or percentage), and polygrid (produces a map in grid-raster format to made possible to 
overlay different data). 
The elevation data also made possible to elaborated a 3D model, which permitted to visualize the urban site topography 
and help the analysis of the occupation. 
3.3 Analyzing the urban growth and its relationship with the environment 
The next step was to establish the relationship among the urban area maps produced to each year and the slope map. 
This was made using the GIS Arc-Info that permitted to establish crossing (overlay) rules. In this way, it was possible to 
understand the behavior of the city considering the environmental limitation, in respect to the slope. 
Another important possible result was the analysis of the urban growth axes according to the topography. It was made 
using the SPRING, a Brazilian GIS produced by INPE (National Institute for Space Research), in which was elaborated 
the 3D model. 
A field work was made to check the results obtained. 
296 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 
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