Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

Dalati, Moutaz 
MSS-analysis (Figure 6 ). The MSS image resolution is so low that it is impossible in many cases, to distinguish 
between valleys eroded along foliation zones and valleys developed along fractures or faults. 
The linear features derived from TM scenes appear to offer a more satisfactory approach to this type of study. In 
addition, the TM multispectral mode offers additional data of considerable use to geologists. 
Figure 5 
Figure 5. TM image Landsat-5,July,20,1996, color composite bands 4+5+7, covers the area under study 
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Figure 6. MSS Landsat-3, July, 22,1982, color composite bands 4+5+7, covers the area under study 
The analysis of the MSS and TM imagery indicated that El-Rouge depression is the extension of Al-Ghab depression 
and in line with the African-Lebanon-Syrian rift system and the El-Rouge depression is a graben and separated by a 
linear fault which is accompanied by a series of step-like faults parallel to the master fault. The graben is separated by 
304 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 

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