Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

de Bie, Kees 
5. Logistic regression 
In section 4.1, it was discussed that a Poisson distribution denoting ‘yield’ (16x) 
versus ‘no yield’ (29x) can be estimated through logistic regression. The 
established linear prediction (LP) part of the logistic model with a probability for all 
coefficients below 1096, and a McFadden's Rho? of 62%, reads: 
LP = 2.73 - 0.89*SLO + 0.085*SLO? - 4.20*TXT - 3.35*TER + 2.88*WHC - 10.13*HPI + 3.14*PRU 
* 3.24*YEA + 3.27*NPK - 4.00*TRA 
SLO = Slope (%) within the orchard 
TXT = 1 if top-soil texture is LS or SL (not C, SC, or SCL) 
TER = 1 if terrain is terrace (not hill or footslope) 
WHC = 1 if reported water holding capacity (by the farmer) is poor (not fair or good) 
HPI = 1 if hose-pipes / tubes for irrigation purposes were present in the orchard (otherwise 0) 
PRU = 1 if pruning of trees is done (otherwise 0) J 
YEA = 1 if relatively a good year and -1 if relatively a bad year 
NPK = 1 if mineral fertilizers applied 
TRA = 1 if weeding with a tractor (not manual) 
The model's sensitivity (response prediction accuracy) is 87% and specificity (non- 
response prediction accuracy) is 77% (Figure 10). The model suggests that the 
probability to expect yield (assumed mechanisms for ‘flower initiation’ according to 
a “0,1” Poisson distribution) is higher if orchards are: 
e Situated on finer textured soils on steeper slopes located in hills and footslopes 
with poor water holding capacity, and 
e not watered by hose-pipe, fertilized by NPK, pruned, and weeded by tractor. 
Figure 10 shows that the prediction is prone to errors and that the normal 
distribution lines of the two groups overlap, i.e. estimates are not all zeros and 
ones. The model is thus not conclusive. Most likely, used independents have an 
indicative behavior and not necessarily a causal one. 
1.0 T T T T T T ue K T T T T ! c 3 T T T T T T T T 
0.9- tT | |- $ [ without actual yield 1 
0.8f t ia Bl | 
L I] i a r 7 
_ 07 | y S abs x | 
> 0.61 | ii f T + error quadrant, 
8 o5 & Ii 1 $3 E rr 
& 0.4- | | it ox 2S. f with actual yield q 
os} | + ed unns " 7 
02 || 1 oy 1 s À 
E | $ 1 1 
0.1r Lr: dp 7 = L error quadrant j 
0.0 Ei l = L I 3 b lal Lu à 
so 20 10 0 10 20 30 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 
a. Count (no yields) ^ Count (with yields) b. Probability to produce yield 
Figure 10.  Group-wise comparison of logistic model results: 
a: Probability to expect mango yield. 
b: Z-scores of mango yield probabilities. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000.

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