Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

de Bie, Kees 
only 15% that the residuals are normally distributed (Figure 12). In spite of this 
low probability, the results are considered sound; only 6 orchards (see the solid 
line in the left graph of Figure 12) showed Ln(yield+1) residuals of 1.5 to 3.5 while 
their actual reported yields were zero. 
2 T T T T T 5 3 T T T T T 20 T T T T T 
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-1 0 1 2 3. 4 5 6 U 4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 E -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 
Estimates Residuals Residuals 
Figure 12. Normality of regression results. 
The model can be written as an equation with two look-up tables: 
Ln (Yield+1) in ‘000 Bath/ha = - 1.11 + 1.165*YEA + 1.32*AZO + 0.008*TRA*CCO + 0.78*IRR 
+ 0.35*pH + values from look-up tables 
YEA = 1 for a relatively good year and -1 for a relatively bad year 
AZO = 1 if Azodrin is used as pesticide 
TRA = 1 if weeding with a tractor (not manual) 
CCO =  Canopy cover of all trees in the orchard (%) 
IRR = 1 if possible to apply supplementary irrigation water 
pH = pH of the topsoil 
Look-up tables: 
1 Water holding capacity 2 pest control by motor sprayer 
Terrain unit poor other Prunin Not done Done 
Hill +0.87 0.00 Not done 0.00 no cases 
Footslope . -1.37 -0.40 Done +0.52 +1.14 
Terrace -0.98 0.00 
The equation suggests that yields are higher if: 
e Itis not an off-year (effect by biennial bearing behavior of mango) 
e The top-soil has a relatively high pH 
e The orchard is situated on hills and has soils with a relatively poor water 
holding capacity 
The ability exists to apply supplementary irrigation water 
In fully grown orchards weeding is done by tractor 
Pruning is practiced 
Spraying of insecticides is done using a motor sprayer 
Azodrin is used to control caterpillars 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 335 

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