Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

Dees, Matthias 
The verification parameters for the quantitative attributes 'area proportion of a single tree species group' for the 
dominating species groups oak, beech and spruce are given in table 4. The accuracy provided by the KNN method is 
quite low for single stands but is considerably better for stands of 2 ha or more. Further attributes will be analysed 
within the study and a second set of reference data will be used. The preliminary conclusions are that this method thus 
does not provide sufficient information on the stand level for a forest management plan under the forest conditions 
(especially stand sizes and species mixture) that apply to the area studied. It can, however, provide a good overview of 
the spatial distribution of the main tree types. 
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Figure 3. Dominating tree species (left), area proportion of spruce (right) in test area 3 (see Fig. 1) 
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und Jagdzeitschrift - Der Wald. 2/1996, p. 68-70. 
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Spelsberg, G., 1997. Verdichtung des Stichprobennetzes aus dem Testlauf für eine Betriebsinventur im Staatswald des 
Landes NRW. In: Landesforstverwaltung NRW (Eds.): Testlauf zur Landeswaldinventur. Landesforstverwaltung NRW, 
Düsseldorf, p. 116-122. 
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Westfalen. In: Landesforstverwaltung NRW (Eds.): Testlauf zur Landeswaldinventur. Landesforstverwaltung NRW. 
Düsseldorf. p. 52-61. 
362 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000.

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