Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

dos Santos, Joäo Roberto 
The evaluation of biomass in tropical regions is an important input variable in the regional and global change models. 
The use of JERS-1 and SIR-C datasets presents limits to the stratification of biomass, specially for those areas covered 
by “mature tropical forest”. More detailed biomass intervals (> 100 ton/ha) cannot be defined due to the saturation of 
the radar signal in such forest environments with structural complexity. 
The methodological approach presented, based on JERS-1 and SIR-C data has been very useful to determine the land 
cover changes due to human settlement that has occurred in Amazonia and more recently in the contact zone between 
forest and savanna formations. It is an important challenge to use these images to evaluate and to stratify the vegetation 
cover found in this region, in order to demonstrate the capacity of the sensor, and also to better understand the 
techniques for the extraction of information. The final goal of all this effort is to improve monitoring of the biomass 
dynamics by a multi-sensor approach, as well as the landscape changes, due to human action in this very large brazilian 
tropical environment. 
This project was conduced under the Bilateral Cooperation in Scientific Research and Technological Development 
(WTZ) between Germany and Brazil. The authors acknowledge: CNPq (process 300677/91, 381246/97-3, 380597/99-3) 
and logistic support by INCRA/Vilhena (RO). 
Fundaçäo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (FIBGE)., 1992. Departamento de Recursos Naturais e Estudos 
Ambientais. Manual técnico da vegetacáo brasileira. 92 p. 
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Uebergangsbereich von Savanne und Regenwald — Eine fernerkundliche Untersuchung mittels Landsat-TM- und SIR- 
C/X-SAR-Daten in SW-Amazonien/Brasilien. Thesis for diploma, University of Mainz, Germany. 
Luckman, A; Baker, J.; Kuplich, M.T.; Yanasse, C.C.F.; Frery, A.C., 1997. A sutdy of the relationship between radar 
backscatter and regeneration of tropical forest biomass for spaceborne SAR instruments. Remote Sensing of 
Environment, 60, pp. 1-13. 
Rosenqvist, A., 1997. Analysis of the backscatter characteristics of rubber, oil palm and irrigated rice in multi-band 
polarimetric synthetic aperture radar imagery. Thesis, Institute of Industrial Science — University of Tokyo. 144 p. 
Santos, J.R.; Xaud, M.R.; Pardi Lacruz, M.S., 1998. Analysis of the backscattering signals of JERS-1 image from 
savanna and tropical rainforest biomass in Brazilian Amazonia. ISPRS ECO BP’98, Budapest, Hungary, Sept. 1 - 4, 
1998. vol. XXXII, part 7., pp. 523-526. 
Xaud, M. R., 1998. Abordagem multisensor (TM/Landsat e SAR/JERS) na caracterizagdo da cobertura vegetal e 
distribuicáo de fitomassa em áreas de contato floresta/savana no Estado de Roraima - Brasil. Instituto Nacional de 
Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE, Sáo José dos Campos. 111 p. Dissertacáo de Mestrado em Sensoriamento Remoto. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 381 

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