Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

Erian, Wadid 
Data Input 
Aerial Photos DOLL i 
TM CCT ! Knowledge Base 
1:20,000 Geometrically ' (Reference Data) ; 
1:40,000 corrected 
* ey i] * Field Data (Determination | 
A A ' x || ofSoil properties) i 
i 1 ' : : VY '| * Local Knowledge ( Socio- ; 
i 1 ı | False Color composite | ! ' E g i 
i Aerial Photos i ' 1 ; ||. Economical Data) : 
i : i 1 i Extrapolation , : 
i Interpretion \ : TT ' ! ' 
: ! | Spectral Classification | | Observation | 1 
1 1 a 
i Physiographic : ee eT | i . : ' 
Analyses « ] Ancillary Information 
A eV i e mm E ium ,. T! dn 
| * Thematic Maps 
|| Grid Sample System — |: |i] * Available Maps ı 
a | [i| and Information | 
Regional Grouping i ur 
E c ot | Fitting Curve & Select | ; Other Information 
and eot ase wap Classes ı Model Parameters oh ' 
1:50,000 i ít 
i Y * Lithology, Soils,Slope ' 
: : 3 : 11 and Geomorphology 
|| Applying Ordmary |}; 1] = Hydrology and Climate : 
' Kriging Method | 1ı| *Land use ; 
Geometrically Crrected IT mE 
Regional Physiographic lente TASER ESS ? 
and Soil Base Map Pen de ; 
T:50.000 PTT : Land Evaluation ; 
- ! : ! 
# Feature Value ~~ 1- Land Quality ; 
belio > . Map) ^ 7 : | *Effective Soil Depth ; 
Nc ^ —] *Ayailable Moisture Costes 
ı | Cutting and Crossing in Order Data Integration Y 1 | *Soil Salinity < 
2- Socio-economy 1 
ı | *Effective Soil Depth Slicing LÍ «settlement 
ı | *Available Moisture Content ! | *Total Income : 
i | *Soil Salinity y, ! | *Main Crop (s) Production |! 
' eT UN. i ' 
Grouping in Classes etf. imei NR. CENT 
» ^". Feature Map (s) Z, ^ ^ 
€—— —— Él: mmm mmm ~ 9 
~ -~ - 
Vittage(s) — | 
g-------------3----------------- à Crossing [^ Uncultivated Statistical Analysis 4 
: Classes 
' | Cutting and Crossing in Order | : 
' Village (s) Land 
+ | Village (s) Boundaries Map |: Capability 
rr De qe ad 1 Village(s) Level 
| Village Land of Stability 
Capability Map (s 
<> Synsetic Approash <> Final Products i 1 SetofOperation 
«> Analytical Approash [ ] Processing Step @— Step Flow 6 Tables 
Figure (2) Recommended Framework Flow Chart 
Source : After Erian and Yacoub , (1999) 
oseg oSpo[aouy pue uorneutrojup 19030 
408 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 

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