Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

Erian, Wadid 
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Map (3) The Location of the Observation Points in Sugar Beet Area 
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3.2. Interpolating using Ordinary Kriging: 
Descriptive statistic of the Effective soil depth, Available moisture content and Soil salinity are shown in 
Table (3). 
Table (3) Descriptive statistic of the selected soil properties 
Parameters Effective Soil Depth ip Moisture Soil Salinity 
Number of data 526 446 446 
Minimum 0.0 20.0 0.9 
Maximum 160.0 220.0 29.4 
Mean 86.9 124.2 8.99 
St. Deviation 46.457 54.011 6.611 
Variance 2158.3 2917.1 43.7 
St. Error 2.026 2.353 0.288 
T-Test 1.835 « T-true 1.645 2.263« T-true 1.960 1.335 « T-true 1.282 
One tailed 95 95 97.5 % 90.0 % 
Two tailed 90 % 95.0 % 80.0 % 
Semi-variograms were calculated and fitted using nonlinear regression. The best variogram model for 
the study area. The effective depths, available moisture content, and soil salinity of the observations were 
interpolated separately using the ordinary Kriging and the results of the value maps are shown in Maps (4,5 
& 6). The fitting models and the model's perimeters are shown in Figure (3). According to Erian, et al 
(1999), the analysis of the variance (ANOVA) was carried out between the effective soil depth and the soil 
mapping units as presented in Table (4). In this analysis, the probability (P) value of the F-test shows that 
the probability of the random distribution of the variable is highly significant at level 0.01, where as the 
calculated value of the F-statistic (96.24) is larger than the value of F-test (3.60) at significant level 0.01. 
The data indicates that the effective soil depth is a soil property that differentiates the 11 groups of the soil 
map units. 
Table (4) : The equation of Effective soil depth by soil map units 
Group Sum of Squares df Mean Square F-Calculated Sig.(P) 
Between Groups 468839.517 11 42621.774 96.240 0.000 
Within Groups 135517.630 445 442.868 
Total 604356.148 456 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000.

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