Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

Erian, Wadid 
The result of the effective soil depth interpolated map was compared with the uncultivated area of the 
spectral classification, after, Erian, et al (1999) and also with the soil map for acceptability as presented in 
Map ( 7) and Table (5). The classification of the interpolated maps were rated in five classes and presented 
as in Maps (8,9, and 10). 
300000 1.... 3000.00 — : ms 
E 5 ; er 
S gne j 2 2 : 3 Ks 
t E | | & 1000.00 = : 
0.00 A | : E : 
Effective Soil Depth (Spherical), Available Moisture Content (Spherical), 
y(h) = 140 + 1980 * [(3h / 10000) — (h*/(10000)*)] y(h) = 1150 + 3250 * [(3h / 23000) — (h*/(23000)°)] 
: : Ha Se | Figure (3) The Fitting Model of the Effective Soil 
Bow J €. AN Depth, Moisture Availability and Soil Salinity 
Soil Salinity (Spherical), 
y(h) = 16.5 + 51.1 * [(3h / 24000) — (h*/(24000)*)] 
Map (4) The Value Map of the Effective Soil Depth 
— x 177.5 
N 126.9 
300000 70.1 
70000 £0000 30000 500000 0.0 
CE En 
latesaetienel A sealed soars ha anita Re. ba Cota one Oh, DaB tesa 444 

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