Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

Erian, Wadid 
Map (7) The Uncultivated Areas in Sugar Beet Area 
using maximum liklyhood Classiffication 
70000 30000 90000 500000 
Uncultivated area ( 20.055 feddan = 27.01% of the total area) 
Table (5): Comparison between three studied approaches 
Approach Unit Area Feddan Area % Total % 
: : : Hilll (Soil map unit) 8550 11.48 
Aerial Photo interpretation 12 (Soil fap uit) 13.790 18.51 29.99 
ly : DS (Rocks out crop) 7741 10.39 
Geo-statistical Analysis D4 (Shallow Soils) 13.164 17.67 28.06 
Spectral Classification Uncultivated area 20,055 27.01 27.01 
Map (8) The effective Soil Depth Map of Sugar Beet Area 
EUM i 
x MS th, A CC x FR 
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0 15000 m 
di: very Deep Soilz(15,474 feddan-20.77 % of the studied area) 
d2: Deep Soils(22,708 feddan-30.48 % of the studied area) 
d3: Moderate Deep Soils (15,414 feddan-20.58 % of the studied area) 
dé: Bhallow Soils(l3, 164 feddan=17.67 % of the studied area) 
dé: The very shallow soils (F741 feddan=10.39 % of the studied area) 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 413 

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