Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

Erian, Wadid 
Map (9) The Drought Classes Map ofthe Sugar Beet Area 
30000 E 
. T0000 20000 90000 S00000 
m1: more than 21 dayys bebween irrigation before soil drying (12,029 feddan = 24.20% of the total area) 
mz: between 18 - 21 dayys between irrigation before soil drying (37,615 feddan = 50.48% of the total area) 
m3: between 14 - 17 dayys between irrigation before soil drying (14,028 feddan = 18.83% of the total area) 
ms: between 10 - 13 dayys between irrigation before soil drying (3834 feddan = 5.15% of the total area) 
m5: less than 10 dayys between irrigation before soil drying (1006 feddan = 1.35% of the total area) 
Map (10) the Soil Salinity Map of Sugar Beet Area 
70000 80000 30000 500000 
21: non saline soils(186 feddan = 0.26 % of the studied area) 
22: Slightly saline soils (12,656 feddan=25.04 % of the studied area) 
23: Moderatly saline soils (27,662 feddan=37.13 % of the studied area) 
z4: Strongly saline soils (25,951 feddan=34.83% of the studied area) 
25: Very strong saline soils (2034 feddanz2.73 % of the studied area) 
414 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 

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