Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

Erian, Wadid 
Table (7) Statistical Correlation of the Soil Quality Limitations and their Impact on Community Stability 
t of Stability Code! Ci C2 C3 ds d4 z5 z4 m5 m4 U 
with Slight 
with Marginal 
- * 
ons C2 |-.452** 
with Severe 
C3 |-.657**|-.374** 
ective Soil Depth dS | -244 | -352* | .551* 
ective soil Depth d4 | -.368* | -.187 |.540**| .014 
Soil Salinity 25 | 131 | -.193 | 2299 | 195 ] .175 
Soil Salinity z4 |-.456**| -.350* | .769** | .847** | .632** 
oisture Availability m5 | -0.118 | -201 | .301 |.728**] -.031 .426* 
oisture Availability m4 | 279 | -323 ]1.562** |.905** ].535*^] , 905**.|.392* 
Areas U | -362* | -.298 |.627** | .876** | .626** .944** | .475** | .918** 
Settling 96 Se |.441**| -.098 | -.375* | -.375* | -.337* -505**| -.226 | -.380* |-.519** 
Hk Correlation is i at the 0.01 level (1-tail 
* Correlation is si at the 0.05 level (1-tail 
The statistical analysis, which is shown in Table (8), illustrate the main findings that could be summarized 
as follows: 
— In general, all villages could be considered in critical status concerning its stability and settlement 
percentages. The average settling percentage in the studied area is 30.47 %. The maximum settling 
percentage is in village 19 (80.22%) and the minimum settling percentage is in village “22” (6.8 %). 
The stability and settlement percentage has directly affected by the land quality limitations. The 
statistical analysis present a negative significant correlation of (-0.375*) with sever to very severe land 
quality limitations (C3 — that represents 32.83 % of the total area). The shallow soils (d4 — that 
represents 30.09 96 of the total studied area), the very shallow soils (d5 — that represents 20.21 96 of the 
total studied area) and the strong saline soils (z4 — that represents 53.83 96 of the total studied area) are 
considered to be the major constrains for settlements. The shallow (d4) and the very shallow soils (d5) 
shows a negative, significant correlation with the settling percentage of (-0.375* and -0.337*) 
respectively, while the strongly saline soils shows a negative very significant correlation of (-0.505**) 
with the settling percentage. 
—  ]t has been recognized a very significant correlation of (627**) between the critical land quality 
limitations (C3) and the total uncultivated areas (u) from one side, and a negative and very significance 
correlation between the uncultivated areas and the settlement of (-519**) from the other side. 
— The basic economic activity in the studied area is working in the fields of agricultural production. 
The main crop productions in most of the villages are of less than 40 - 60% of the highest production of 
the area and correspond closely to the.land quality limitations of the area. Wheat is consider to be the 
main winter crop and occupy area of about 34.02% of the total arable land, Clover is the second winter 
crop and cover an area that represent 27.94% and Beans is the lower coverage crop and occupy 7.31% 
of the arable land. In summer time Tomato is considered to be the main crop and occupy 24.92% of the 
total arable land. Maize is the second summer crop in area coverage with a total of 19.01% and 25.33% 
for different types of vegetable cultivation. The severe to very sever land quality limitations (C3) shows 
a negative and very significant correlation with the Wheat and Tomato productions of 
(-0.585** & -0.521**) respectively. A negative and significant correlation with the Maize production 
of (-0.404*). 
— The annual family average income in LE is around 4300 LE. The maximum is more than 6000 LE 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 417 

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