Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

Fatehi, Ahmad 
NDVI in 1991 as compared to 1990. The maximum reduction of NDVI values in 1991 as compared with 1990 
have occurred from the top of the Zagros mountain ridge to the Persian Gulf causes of which can be: 
(1) The mountain range acts as a barrier and causes the smoke to accumulate to the west of it. 
(2) The vegetation cover type in flat and hilly area more sensitive to pollution. 
(3) Both could be correct, therefore reduction of vegetation cover in 1991 is due to the pollution which 
produced from Kuwaiti oil wells in this area in 1991. 
I would like to thank to Dr. B. Aminipori, for his supervision. Head of soil conservation and watershed management 
research center. 
Iwould like to thank the following ITC staff that by their administrative and thorough scientific and technical 
comments contributed greatly to the enrichment of this research. 
-Prof. Dr. A.M.J.Meijerink, Water Resources Development Specialist 
-Prof.Dr A.K.Skidmore, Rangeland Ecology Development Specialist 
-Dr.S.Groten, Mapping and Monitoring of Natural Vegetation Specialist 
-Ir.M.C.Bronsveld, Image processing Specialist 
I would like to thank to Prof. Ir. N.J. Mulder, Twente University, Enschede, The Netherlands for his guide. 
I would like to thank to Prof. Dr. S. Khorram, North Carolina State University, USA and Head of the Earth 
Observation Center, for his guide. 
I would like to thank to my colleague Mr M. Kheirkhah and Mr. A. Noroozi for their help during the work. 
Cracknell, P. 1996. the advanced very high resolution radiometer. Department of Applied physics and electronic and 
Mechanical Engineering University of Dundee, Dundee 4HN, Scatland, UK. 
N.Jalali, A.Fatehi, A.A.Noroozi, S.A.Mirghasemi and M.M.Kheirkhah, 1999. Change Detection of Natural 
Vegetation cover in the territory of Iran caused by pollution resulting from the Kuwaiti oil well fire during the 
Persian Gulf war. Soil conservation and Watershed Management Research Center. P.O.Box.13445-1136, 
432 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 

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