Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

Felkner, John 
Future possible directions for this research include the following: 
A. using a method of logistic regression rather than tree classification for a predictive model — comparison with tree 
approach can be evaluated by the resulting accuracy of the predicted maps; 
B. sensitivity testing of the parameters used to create the socioeconomic models and then considering the different 
predictions resulting from those models for accuracy; : 
C. evaluating predictions resulting from inputting different combinations of input models into the prediction 
regression model, to see which combinations result in the most accuracy; 
D. extension of the modeling to other Thai Provinces (data has been collected for Lop Buri and Buriram Provinces) - 
this could allow analysis of relative influences of input models for different regions of a developing tropical 
country, perhaps showing that the same factors predict most accurately in each Province, or that different 
explanatory factors are different depending on regions with differing conditions; 
E. exploration of various methods of spatial representation of the economic inputs under consideration using GIS and 
splus statistical software (e.g. kriging methods of spatial representation of inputs); 
F. extension of the model to other tropical developing countries. 
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438 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 

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