Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

Florinsky, Igor 
Rootzone soil moisture content (cm3/cm3) 
May 18, 1995 
Rootzone soil moisture content (cm3/cm3) 
August 9, 1995 
Fig. 3: Soil moisture in space and time across the irrigated Zayandeh Rud river basin in Central Iran. 
Part A covers the situation for winter crops (May 1995) at the end of the growing season and Part B 
shows the conditions for summer crops (August 1995) 
Case 3: Evapotranspiration patterns in the Indus Basin, Pakistan 
The actual rate of evapotranspiration is difficult to infer from standard weather data, but is relevant for 
water consumption of agriculture, forests, swamps, wetlands and other types of land cover. This 
information is helpful in assessing other components of the water balance, such as groundwater 
recharge and runoff. Spatial and temporal variation of actual evapotranspiration across all 44 
irrigation command areas in the Indus Basin were determined using satellite images (Bastiaanssen et 
446 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 

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