Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

Fig. 9: Indicator map: Time to flooding. 9a: DTM of 1966; 9b: DTM of 1997 
Alkema, Dinand 
The rupture in the dyke is indicated with the arrow. On the left are shown the results of the simulation, using the DTM 
of 1966. On the right are presented the results of the simulation that used the DTM of 1997 
DTM 1966 
Fig. 10: Indicator map: Mass-Energy. 10a: DTM of 1966; 10b: DTM of 1997 The rupture is indicated by the arrow. 
The potential flood damage is calculated as the maximum water height multiplied by the flow velocity. 
DTM 1966 
DTM 1997 
In this paper are presented the first results of a research and will illustrate the approach chosen and considered useful to 
integrate knowledge of geomorphologic processes into EIA procedures. It will be a contribution to reduce the flood risk. 
3-D system analysis offers opportunities to divide geomorphologic systems into manageable elements. By linking 
geomorphology to the anthropic system, one will be able to identify the critical elements and to define those indicators 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 

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