Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

Anrong, Dang 
Data compiling is one of the basic process for grain production system regionlization. According to the regionalization 
factor and index selected above, the first step of data compiling is to retrieve and prepare data from China’s agriculture 
production database which include spatial database (such as administrate region, soil classification, and potential grain 
productivity) and attribute database (such as climate records, soil features, and agriculture statistics). Supported by GIS, 
the second step is to join attribute database with spatial database by using a series of related spatial analysis functions, 
such as match, overlay, and interpolation. The result of data compiling process is an integrated database of spatial and 
attribute data which include all of the regionalization factor and index data and some auxiliary data. 
Spatial Database Attribute Database 
Administrate Region Climate Record Data 
T d Ind Soil Classification Soil Feature Data = 1 dnd 
pes an C D ex Topographic Contour Agriculture Statistics px ene 1 ex 
ori ist 1 ass Potential Grain Productivity Structure of Grain Production di lass 
Data Compiling Regionalization Current Grain Productivity Structure of Grain Sown Area || Regionalization 
| | i ] | 
Matching of Spatial and Attribute Data | 
| Spatial Data Overlay | | Attribute Data Interpolation | 
Integrated Database of Spatial and Attribute 
ecu Y Y 
Temperature Sum Topography and Landform 
| Illumination Soil Attribute and Nutrient | 
Method ahd Model Temperature : Structure of Grain Production Method dad Model 
; Frost-free Period Social and Economic Condition 
of First Class han : : 2 of Subclass 
jon lf Precipitation Potential Grain Productivity ; no 
Regionalization Dryness Ratio Current Grain Productivity Regionalization 
Classification of Index Data 
Regionalization Standardizing 
Factors 1 
* Analysis by 
Region Dividing Classification Dynamic 
Map of Clustering 
Single Factor i i 
= Cluster Map Cluster Map 
Oversy of Multi- of Single Factor of Multi-Factors 
Classification Y Y 
Overlay of 
Synthesized Multi-factors 
Assessment d Cluster 
I i 
First Class Synthesized 
Regionalization Assessment 
Scheme v 
l v Subclass 
Eun qo c en  Regionalization Scheme | Regionalization 
of China's Grain Production System Scheme 
Output Regionalization Regional Statistical Regional 
Map of China's Table of China's Description of 
Grain Production Grain Production China's Grain 
System System Production System 
Figure 1. Flow chart of China's grain production system regionalization based on GIS 
3.2 Region dividing 
CL Hu 
Region dividing is the key process for grain production regionalization. Based on the integrated database of spatial and 
attribute data obtained in data compiling process, the first class region of China’s grain production system is determined 
in the following three steps by applying the dividing method from large region to small one. 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 73 

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