Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Ndyeshumba, Pitio 
The study was intended to estimate the area “damaged” (deforested area) by refugees 
in the Ngara district between July 1994 and August 1996 in order to provide accurate 
information for rehabilitation and natural resources development planning for similar 
3.1 Location: 
Ngara district is located between longitude 30°15’E and latitude 2°10” and 3°0°S. The 
altitude ranges between 1,320m (the level of River Kagera) to about mean sea level. 
3.2 Geology: 
The district is predominated by pre-cambrian rocks of the Karagwe - Ankolean 
system. The main rock types are phillites, phllitic shales and mixed quartzites. Many 
parts have remnants of old landscapes which are characterised by laterites caps. Some 
parts have few granitic rocks. 
3.3 Drainage: 
The district has major rivers; the Kagera which marks the north-western border with 
Burundi and Rwanda, the Ruvubu river which flow around the southern border and 
crosses the district to join Kagera river. Also there are perennial and seasonal rivers 
and springs which are marked by the numerous valley bottoms across the district. 
3.4 Rainfall: 
The rain decreases from north-west to the south-east, ranging from approximately 
1300mm to 700mm in the drier southern part of the district. The rainfall pattern shows 
a distinct dry season from June to September. However, there is a big variations in 
rainfall amount mainly due to high relief intensities, and consequent rain shadow 
3.5 Phsiography: 
The district falls in a series of dissected plateau at different altitude levels. Subsequent 
erosion and dissection has resulted into hills and valleys. 
3.6 Vegetation: 
The natural vegetation types in the district include, riverine forest, wooded grassland, 
bushed grassland, grasslands and the poorer drained parts of the minor valleys. 
Grasslands are characteristic of the area with shallow soils such as scarps and hill 
tops. Riverine forest is restricted to some parts of the Ruvubu river and the northern 
part of the district. Bushed and wooded grasslands are found all over the district. 
3.7 Land use: 
The main land use types of Ngara district are uplands agriculture, wetland agriculture, 
silviculture game reserve and livestock. 
3.8 Soils: 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000.

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