Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Nigam, Rajat 
* I 
Table 4.1 
i lan 
LANDUSE CLASSES 1993 % | 1996 % 1998 % | 
RESIDENTIAL 220.1 19.50 257.2 22.80 267.7 23.73 | «T 
COMMERCIAL 21.5 1.90 21.5 1.90 21.5 1.90 &« 
INDUSTRIAL 39.1 3.46 48.8 4.32 48.8 452 lan 
WATER BODIES 8.3 0.73 8.3 0.73 8.3 0.73 
CROPLAND 202.9 17.98 107.3 9.5] 107.3 9.5] 4.2 
GRASSLAND 401.2 35.56 445.1 39.44 442.3 39.21 (R 
FOREST 68.9 6.11 62.7 5.55 62.7 5.55 
WOOD 104.4 9.28 101.6 9.04 100.3 8.88 * 
CEMETERY 23.0 2.04 23.0 2.04 23.0 2.04 use 
SPORT FIELDS 29.7 2.68 33.1 2.98 33.1 2.98 
CONSTRUCTION SITE 0.0 0.0 10.5 0.93 4.1 0.39 *D 
COUNTRY BOUNDARY 0.2 0.02 0.2 0.02 0.2 0.02 | dec 
MAJOR ROAD 0.7 0.06 0.7 0.06 0.7 0.06 | 
MINOR ROAD 27 0.24 27 0.24 2.7 0.24 «T 
STREAM & CANALS 0.3 0.02 0.3 0.02 0.3 0.02 dec 
RAILWAY 0.4 0.03 0.4 0.03 0.4 0.03 
INSTITUTIONAL 4.4 0.39 4.4 0.39 4.4 0.39 * D 
TOTAL 1127.8 100 1127.8 100 1127.8 100 But 
A systematic way of analysis for land use change is first to have the total area for the different land use classes for the 
different duration and compare the two maps. Accuracy in interpretation and measurement of these changes is important. 5.1 
Using a computer program we can compare areas of different land uses cell by cell by overlaying the two maps. This can 
provide the basic quantitative information about the land use change that has occurred. A cross table showing the changes | Anc 
from and to another class can be produced. A map of these changes can also be obtained using computer programme. files 
4.2.1 CHANGES IN LAND USE FROM 1993 — 1996 
(Refer to the Cross-Table No 4.2.1) 
* During the period 1993 to 1996, 12.9 Hectare. of cropland, 24.1 Hectare. of grassland and 0.1 Hectare. of wood is 
changed into residential. Therefore residential land use increased by 37.1 Hectare during this period. 
* During the period 1993 to 1996, 4.4 Hectare. of cropland, 4.8 Hectare. of grassland and 0.5 Hectare. of wood are 
changed into industrial. Therefore industrial land use increased by 9.7 Hectare. during this period. 
* During the period 1993 to 1996, 26.4 Hectare. of grassland and 3.6 Hectare. of forest are changed into Cropland. But 
during the same time 12.9 Hectare. of cropland is changed into residential, 4.4 Hectare. of cropland is changed into 
industrial, 97.8 Hectare. of cropland is changed into grassland and 10.5 Hectare. of cropland is changed into construction 
site. Therefore cropland land use decreased by 95.6 Hectare. during this period. 
* During the period 1993 to 1996, 97.8 Hectare. of cropland, 2.6 Hectare. of forest and 1.1 Hectare.of wood are changed 
into Grassland. But during the same period 24.1 Hectare. of grassland is changed into residential, 4.8 Hectare. of 
grassland is changed into industrial, 26.4 Hectare. of grassland is changed into cropland and 2.3 Hectare. of grassland is 
changed into sport fields & recreation. Therefore grassland land use increased by 43.9 Hectare. during this period. 
* During the period 1993 to 1996, 3.6 Hectare. of forest is changed into cropland and 26.4 Hectare. of forest is changed 
into grassland Therefore forest land use decreased by 6.2 Hectare. during this period. 
* During the period 1993 to 1996, 0.1 Hectare. of wood is changed into residential, 0.5 Hectare. of wood is changed into 
industrial, 1.1 Hectare. of wood is changed into grassland and 1.1 Hectare. of wood is changed into sports fields & 
recreation. Therefore wood land use decreased by 2.8 Hectare. during this period. 
996 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 

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