Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Noernberg, Mauricio Almeida 
HH (Amplitude GO) VV (Amplitude GO) 
0.025 ; 
0.030 + 
0.015 0.020 - 
0.010 j 
0.005 : 
0.000 LE 0.500 1 3 
HV (Amplitude GO) VH (Amplitude GO) 
9.12 E7777 Upeeeevevvz HR pryveeeenm Ferrers 0.42 FT TTT rer re 
[ 9 1 
b 4 € 1 
aor = aol zi 
L à J | - 
$ 4 - 4 E 
0.08 + i 0.08 + 4 
+ + $ i 
0.06 - = ü.D8 - > ] 
o 4 
$ - 
ü.p4 zi 0.04 = 
5 a ] 
$i -t = 9 4 
0.02 - + = 0.02 - e d 
i se 7 $N9 3 
3 | € 2 i 
a Dol eus HENCE WA LLL 1 a.po E EL Ea debi Lai. ; i 
1D 20 30 40 10 20 30 4D 50 
Figure 3. Statistical distributions associated with the Salvinia class, at each polarization. 
HH (Log-Normal) VV (Normal) 
128 aer ME RETE SS mb o i T p 
0.025 - E 1 0:005 1 
0.020 7 -— 1 
0.015 j oes] 
0.010} 7 0.010 : 
B05 0.005 7 
nom 0.000 ] 
20 40 60 80 100 
HV (Log-Normal) VH (Log-Normal) 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 1015 

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