Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Ohamobi, Sylvester Ikechukwu 
IAPRS, Vol. XXXIII, Amsterdam, 2000 
vegetation cover, typical of Nigerian savanna zone. This factor greatly increases reflectivity from soil and soc» thus, enhancing a 
quick study of the emmitance and reflectance characteristics of the soils and rocks. 
22 . Interpretation Criteria : a vu : Ak | E: bo 
. The soil properties significant to engineering (Table 1) and analytical data (Table 2) were interpreted using rating tables. Tables 1 and 
2 are summarized properties of the soils and road construction materials. The rating tables were used each for interpreting 
corresponding five selected road construction attributes (USDA-SCS, 1971) for the study i.e. local roads and streets (LRS), road fills 
(RF), sands and Manet ( Se shallow excavation (SE) and dii as. 
sa al Pa, 41‘ Bembo h.n Nn Ps 411 Hom 91.232 Hom o (wal Ya, 412 955.10 96H o— ens — ec 
e pertes c . 
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faeieeeriog hified SC-08 su B-K X — eu ss cs n t "Vu n .u x 
1 il s T 
clear MIM 8-8 428 424 424 I4 KE d) kA AT 43 ti rt 48 4-24 
Teatre CEM Grae Bra) Gral Oral Gr,ael Coral Coalsesl deal sell — eie)ede cla} sil-sle  sicl-sie died 
Sij i 25-1 9-0 3-$ , n-n 3-3 1-223 2-14 3-5 1-1 2-3 3-1 4-5 2-4 
Layer thickness (enl u " LU u DH 28 250 ws nm m ^w mJ 200 150 
Stonjaers ; : 
. Yractice 57.500 (UU " 5-n 8-8 5 5n Tose Wee Hose 15 foue done Bone Sont nu. 
m" hv water fat {eal 3158 Ju] n 48 158 35 310 3150 Br] us «(st us 4138 dU 
; s ain. führe ie Dell de Walldr SH.Kze.dr SW.lcede Vel) dr Shlscdriel) dr Me fpr 1np,dr Poorly ds loy.dr : Tap. dr : 
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Pending * . be. Boat Vose tone iac Im Bose one Trequent Prequent request Prequent request Prequest| 
Salinitg fonbos/es) *8 815 BARES 88-11 REL LRL) 065-1.M0.1-12 28-62 23-55 25-66 26-65 LEGS 2.06) 
Coaniatoney (aoÿst) Friable Tire JV.tri. feiable = F.friable Prlable fetable Frioble | Pelable Mims ffim lim = Fire vie 
Soit veneti (oll $3 ET 5.0 in $9  &M — $470 RAAT 557.5 5,347 505,1 5651 53-85 34-65 
^ fout see : : i ; ; 
. (99 - 150en) : a . : . 1908 158-116 17 ^ LUELM LOL Lf ns am 16-179 
depths... : ; ; 
ur- . i - 
E $1 Fic. 98r <<" sonsadat axcosolrelg noll deaiscd MEO -----  Averleun Association of State Bighonss aed Transport Officiels 4 $ 
5 I Breed === gravelly sandy clay diosa : . y 
1 : : . cos. [1-0] --- enaree Jonny sand to aandy Joan - WINE) -----  Uaifled Soi) Classification Bpsten 
1 à SE-I --- elag sand to clap with los ylaatjeltz 
? SI SE --- allg set bo clay sand T Wü eee foited State Depottest of dgricullure 
$9- "rm ae graded cand 3 
Nk --- alit alth lon coapreanibility ] 
2 ^ 
3 f Chemical Properties t Geotechnical Prope 
fort DIE D SEL a jum e MESEHII 4b inn] € wuld B ek Qo EO 
Si ST RE axi bil GHD, Lagen Zub TIEN Gz Ubge — V CU s d Ur 1 
348 fn 3 se Dal 34 — BORN LAE LH 9H 
9-5 nno Mules S M@ ME ns 14 530910 AE DR 
i. 9» E32 L5 5. 2. 3T LM IN O4 68 * 
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sn tenis 3.0 LI IN € 10 9 653 ia s . sus 18 1460 LH CA SON SU Bom an i 
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ges HR pma 14 à Ow 2 20 13 a) BS t5 LH o VW LM D PA OMAD S GLM 1209 68 0 
1 twr dual 102 WB BRUDL n 5I. LM 0.73 M OLA LU PD Od X4 BN LN 1 Nm LE 
t 3 i 
n 1 
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n-# 3.29 4] XH 29 20 2.22 3.00 nb o cid 7.50 4.0 0.10 350 229 
#-R 1206 21 BH BD Dé KO LU np cH 50 19 0,20 LU 33 
an Tiere BS 2.20% 8) MW SMM so db RM PN RM 19 LUE 
AN NW ere VO uA DE MD 190 35 48.0 280 sei ml 33 (LR ORB AN AN ' 
LE IRB NO Di ons U6 0 NO D oso cb R9 LU D] LN en 
wen M5 9 LA an BA UD MOM Cla slo (7 $4 19 LIT RR 
$c s3 0 384. — 9? OW UH EAL ue izonD 9H LM RN 
ow nie aM Ll SMe N N N EN I ca ing Ho 1.0 I9 
iO PLUTO Qenutemul Ob 38% MA SL 1% 3B ZR $54 3 lo i009 68 10 :9 
t in TUM 12 8*9 o4 HR. D IAS Wc apo el SN IBA IN AN 
1-0 Ta» d nNuondo U1 NM RW oe aid 8 LH LO £8.65 
nen Mns 399 943 27 53 100 MEO DH sio xe $9 L4 229 Gto 
8-H hut o Inmuen BD WS BH W@W OMAR aco BORN OIN LM AN ' 
9». m, , ^od T9 RM n WN UEM (LU «À n TM ARN Ls 64 
- ; 
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n-w baie AQ US 340 al MD MS 2530 1200 01 cal 13) LB BM LE 3.38 BI LN LIEW LE 48.00 180 558 CU M 3 
43-10 Hin —Bhbeut HO 103 200 wi 9 8 2011.00 23 et LE LD 0.8 LO 9.29 090 13 459 HB 42 09 Da PU SGH 00 
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: ol = ml dens alt = soarse Jaap and * 
i s ian cond = toarge nach load 
: à + hy low Virell = Pres Sell 
$ J s ed 1*4 kumad — (P cit net 
id ; i 
Interpretation data in terms of suitability or limitation for specific engineering soil uses were obtained using rating tables foreach of > 
the five attributes already selected. The criteria adopted in the interpretation of the engineering properties for road allocation include 
the following: : 
e The limitation Classes. of severe, moderate and slight used conventionally in some rating tables were converted into suitability 
classes of poot, moderate and good in conformity with the suitability classification of FAO (1977). This was done to make the 
‚suitability evaluation uniform and easy for computer coding. : : : 
There were three suitability classes for the interpretation, and these are: 1 = good, 2- moderate and! 3=poor. 
. The soil limitation classes are indicated by: 1 = slight, 2 = moderate and 3 = severe. Slight means soil properties generally 
favougable for the rated use or, limitations that are minor and that can easily be overcome; moderate means soil properties that are 
unfavourable, but can be overcome or modified by specific planning and design; severe means soil properties that are so 
1060 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 

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