Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

n : id Ohamobi, Sylvester Ikechukwu 
: IAPRS, Vol. XXXIII, Amsterdam, 2000 | 
a unfavourable and so TER to correct, overcome, almost impossible to remove or Very costly to remove as to require major soil 
a reclamation and specific design. — - , : 
In order to combine both suitability and limitation for the interpretation of the five selected attributes, 1 = good slight, 2 = 
moderate for the two classes and 3= poor = severe. 
| 23- Interpretation of the Attributes' Engineering Properties 
1 fills : 
| The attributes (LRS, RF, SG, SE & TS) engineering properties were interpreted mil using tables 1 and 2 to come up with the 
2 fina] current land evaluations for each of the mapping units of the five attributes selected for the road allocation. An ‘example of these 
current land evaluations i is as in table 3. : 
The outcome of the interpretation of the engineering properties of the attributes are the production of five suitability tables. An 
example of suitability rating tables is given in table 4. The suitability tables were put into the database, and by using the ILWIS - GIS - 
mapping facilities, five suitability maps, one per attribute considered as relevant for road allocation were produced. 
Be. — PE : Corks ker: 
: . Warmuits — !Po. 231 !Po. 213 3Po. 232 P6 he. 1B. d SH. 022 (B. 2D Seul fh. HÜB.:0 melo Sed fh. n 
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Depth to bedrock fen) P Gom 3) AP ROG u is - IN ; 
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class MSHIO IE 185 08 - 3 - 6 o 16 Th . 
: Slope (ti a - 535-35 i * : 
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Stoniness EE pa PE 
fraction >7.5ca 1%) : : ! : : 
* | Depth to vater table iatis - . % : 5 - i > % i 
Seil drainage Bar 8. - 8 !s Ju 3 ww: 
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Centieteney [neis S: = te i 5 ie 1 à 
Soil reaction (pl: i i- T a Í : ‘ - 
“ [rt Grot AU RU d TERR EE DI 
1.8. class . Pu S oU SEN SLPS iE M - PHP AP HD RH + UT A: 
[375 for Land Braluation classes ; Fotes : | 3 
$--— Good St --- stoninees £5 8 MASETO---bnerican Senociation of State Bigheays and Transport Offieis. 
H --- Moderate : Nt --- wetness ; : 
^ $e Poor 5d --- soil drainage - Voified--Ünified $0i] Classification Systes 
v3 clase --- Ladd Evaluation ciass bis --- degree of limization : 
* 13 --- Lou streneth s B.f --- restrictive features — . USM ----Daited State Departaent of Agriculture A 
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: " un . International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 1061 

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