Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Patikova, Alice 
border of The Slovak Republic, Austria and Hungary bound west and south parts of the Buffer zone. This border leads 
also in the middle of Morava and Danube rivers. The Buffer Zone was enlarged also to the Austrian and Hungarian 
parts of these rivers by using some small strip on the banks so not to cut Morava and Danube rivers in the middle. 
2.3 Data Sources 
2.3.1 Used Maps and Their Processing 
For the geodetic basement creation were chosen so-called „The Basic Maps of The Czechoslovak Socialist Republic 
(CSSR)“ (topographical maps) in 1:10.000 scale from the state department in JTSK co-ordinate system and in Krovak’s 
double conform cone projection. The altitude system was the Baltic system after adjustment. These maps were also 
called the maps for national economy of CSSR. Some maps have been available in colours, other ones have been 
ped by contact copy from the transparent originals. These maps have been updated last time between 1974 and 
All maps had been scanned with resolution of 400 dpi in 24-bit colours as JPEG-Format. The very bright colours of 
maps have been bettered by using imaging software on PC. The Format was changed to tiff and colour deep was 
reduced. Such data were prepared for transformation into JTSK co-ordinate system. All maps had crosses and frame 
lines in the places of whole co-ordinates in JTSK system. 
The corners of the maps had no co-ordinates. Several tests of different algorithm (Equal, Affin, Kolin, Polynomal) 
delivered not good results on the corners and in the centre of the maps. The Affin-Transformation had been the best and 
brought the best result for the corners. The transformation was done in two steps. The first transformation was done by 
4 co-ordinated points, which were placed the nearest of the corners by Affin-algorithm. The second transformation by 
using Special-transformation algorithm (TIN-Affin) was used by catching and weighting all available co-ordinated 
points. It was usual about 45 points and error was then below 1 m for the chosen points. This way was necessary to get 
good base for work on satellite image and for orientation of aerial pictures. All steps were done in TopoL-GIS software, 
which is developed by TopoL-Software Ltd. in Prague/CZ. TopoL is Geographic Information System software for use 
in various fields. It enables the creation, maintenance, presentation and analyses of geographical data. TopoL can satisfy 
many needs for GIS and remote sensing image analyses (image processing, spectral analyses, image classification). 
TopoL can process vector and raster data equally well and provide wide scale of vector data overlays, database analyses 
as well as image processing and classification. Digitising capabilities of TopoL are easy to use and the system is able to 
solve topologic relations in real-time while data are digitised. TopoL can import and export data in many industry- 
standard formats as well as ArcView Shape File and ArcInfo Generated. Topol is running on standard PC computers in 
Windows environment. 
2.3.2 Reference imagery 
The reference land use database was derived from ,reference imagery“. The reference imagery was IRS/C 
panchromatic imagery at 5,8 meter resolution, which was purchased and delivered by JRC. The format was *.img and 
as well description was delivered on the CD. Bratislava is on the right-bottom quarter of this picture. In that case view 
was not straight and transformation to geodetic co-ordinate system (geo-referencation) should be done carefully. The 
geo-referencation of satellite-image was done in TopoL-GIS by identical points between maps and image. The work 
was done in two steps. The first geo-referencation by 10 points delivered result with a maximum-departure of 30m. 
However the worst points had been deleted out of calculation and then we achieved better results. In the second step 
about 120 points where chosen on the map and satellite image, mainly corners of big houses were used. In the sub- 
urban and rural area it was the problem to find suitable points, in that case the density was higher in the city. Algorithm 
of special transformation was used but before departures have been checked in calculation table. Points have not been 
used when the departure was bigger than 15m. Finally more than 90 points have been taken in geo-referencation 
The final result fits well to the maps however some parts in maps did not fit totally. These problems have been checked 
by GPS-Field-measurement with Trimus DGPS-System. This System allows an accuracy of better 3m by using the 
German long wave signal. The system is produced by GGS in Speyer /D. The mistakes were identified on the maps. 
2.3.3 Used Historical Imagery ais 
Aerial photos for historical years were chosen from the Military Topographical Institute in Banská Bystrica. Historical 
aerial photos are only available from military archives. We found suitable pictures for: 
year approximately scale number of pictures size 
1949 1 : 33.000 25 19 x 19 cm 
1969 1 : 38.000 24 18 x 18 cm 
1985 1 :27.000 30 23 x 23 cm 
The problem of photos from all years has been, that flight-direction was according to border along 3 different direction 
of axes sometimes with different cameras and flight-altitude in one year. The Military Topographical Institute scanned 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 

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