Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Perski, Zbigniew 
In Zabrze area the shift between center of the interferometric fringe and the position of mining front was diagonal 
to the direction of mining forward. The GIS comparison with structural maps of mined coal seams shows that the shift 
strongly relates to the dip of the strata (Fig. 3). The observed on interferograms the influences of dip of the coal seams 
on the surface subsidence have been similar to „deviation of mining influences” a common subsidence phenomenon 
(Borecki 1980, Kwiatek 1997). Interferometric data presents the summarized effect of deviation and shift caused 
by mining forward for short time interval. 
Map of mining workings 
inthe coal seam no. 501 
with location of mining fronts 
« e : 
Location of wind NS. 1000 m 
in the period of ; pee 
03.09.93-08 10.92 
izolines of subsidence [cm] 
from interferogram 
03.09.93 - 08.10.93 
Subsidence measured by InSAR 
(7,74 om/ 35 days} 
S Deviation of mining influences 
re n. m along the traverse A-B 
Figure 3. The deviation of mining subsidence caused by impact of dip of the strata 
This study shows that application of SAR interferometry for mining subsidence studies opens a new application 
research, in particular for subsidence dynamics and their spatial distribution. For the first time interferograms of the 
Upper Silesia present the scale of the real terrain deformations for the whole area in rather small time intervals. 
Interferometric near real-time data are very important in the Upper Silesia especially for urban planning and protection 
of linear constructions as roads, railways and pipelines. 
Analysis of interferograms shows that the fringe pattern strongly relates on the position, shape and length of the 
mining front, the rate of mining advance and technique applied for the roof control and the geological structure 
of rock mass and the presence of abandoned underground workings. 
Interferometric measurements of subsidence over a large area appear to be more realistic than traditional surveys, 
especially because the fast surface displacement, persisting for 2 to 3 months only. 
1140 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 

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