Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Petrosyan, Arakel 
Considering obtained value A as the first approximation, we can construct a series of iterations permitting to improve a 
required parameter value up to anyone beforehand given magnitude. Thus at the k-th step: 
gi(x) 7 F( g(x), Ax.) 
r(x) - B(x) dA, 2 0 
A= LUNES dA, (16) 
All intermediate parameters are calculated on the basis of function g(x), obtained as a result of application to an assumed 
function of transformation with usage of an parameter value gained on the previous step. In case if the increment of 
parameter A appears less than given €, it is supposed, that the solution is retrieved. 
1. The new approach to a revertive problem of reconstruction of deformation parameters - examining of a problem from 
the point of view of approximating infinite-dimensional spaces of the images finite-dimensional and reduction to a 
standard problem of the gradient descent. 
2. The practical application of a designed method to a new class of problems - examination of behaviour dynamics of 
cloudy layer on various scales. 
3. Development of a method for solution of a revertive problem of transition of a surface of cloudy layer in a three- 
dimensional case. Thus at each stage the stereoimages will be utilised which allow to revive a vertical profile of high 
layer of a cloudiness. 
4. Development of alternate approximating techniques for infinite-dimensional spaces of the images by finite- 
dimensional, for example with usage of expansion of 2D-function of the image in series. 
5. Development of the plan of automatic image analysis on various scales. Thus the outcomes obtained on wide scale 
singularities will be utilised as the first approximation for the analysis of shallow details. 
6. Development of a method of the context-sensitive analysis of outcomes on the basis of the supposition that the flow 
parameters (or, generally, any strain of the image) feebly vary from point to point. 
7. Study of influence of the images pre-treatment parameters on algorithm operation quality. 
1154 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 

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