Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

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Priya, Satya 
The methodology presented found to be encouraging that provides an opportunity to plant physiologist, a modeler and 
GIS user a common ground to discuss simulation results and further potential research directions. Simulated crop yield 
and other maps generated under different scale dependencies within India and Bihar can be used to better communicate 
model predictions. Hence, using this methodology a region/nation can be modeled for any crop productivity, which help 
researchers and decision-makers understand the status and extent of climate, soils and crop cum field management 
effects on global processes such as rice, wheat and maize production. 
To evaluate "Spatial-EPIC" yield simulation validation were carried out in different pockets of India based on the major 
growing reasons. Two tier validations were done at two different cell resolutions, coarse and fine for whole India (0.5 
degree cell size) as well as one of the Indian states Bihar (0.1 degree cell size) respectively. Validation results was 
found quite successful for wheat and maize productivity whereas in case of rice it was a bit under estimated in southern 
most part of India whereas the other places gave better correlation between the simulated and observed values. It is 
believed that the model can be used in simulating any piece of land since India is one of the best example of showing 
the diversity from one place to other in terms of climate, natural, economical as well as social conditions from model 
applicability viewpoint. 
Hence, the “Spatial-EPIC” possesses immense potential as a farm management tool. However, further research should 
be focussed on improving the model prediction, and the field level interactions within the system. Also, availability of 
new agricultural land-use maps with seasonal crop delineation, and other information of the management practices will 
help in bettering the model results. 
Authors take this opportunity to express his sincere thanks and gratitude to Prof. Shunji Murai, Institute of Industrial 
Science, University of Tokyo, for his constant advice and encouragement all through during my three-year doctoral 
study stay in his laboratory. Also, author is very much indebted to Prof Ryosuke Shibaskai, Center for Spatial 
information science, University of Tokyo for his technical advice and guidance throughout to accomplish this research. 
Thanks goes to Global Frontier Project (in Japanese, Mirai-Kaitaku) sponsored by Japan Society of Promotional 
Science for providing generous financial support in order to accomplish this study without financial strain. 
Satya Priya Shibasaki, Ryosuke and Shiro Ochi (1998) Modeling Spatial Crop Production: A GIS approach, Proceedings of 
the 19th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, 16-20 Nov, 1998 held at Manila. pp A-9-1 to A-9-6. 
Crane, P.J. and L. P. Herrington. 1992. GIS applications. A wide spectrum not without problems. Photogrammetric Eng. 
and Remote Sens. 8:1092-1094. 
NGDC, 1997. GTOPO30, Global Land One-Km Base Elevation, (Average 30-Second Elevations Grids). National 
Geophysical Data Center 325 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado. 
Williams, J. R. and . Sharpley, A.N., (eds.), (1989). EPIC --Erosion/Productivity Impact Calculator: 1. Model 
Documentation, USDA Technical Bulletin No. 1768. 
Richardson, C. W. (1981). Stochastic simulation of daily precipitation, temperature and solar radiation. Water 
Resources Research 17 (1): 182-190. 
Dumensil, D. ed. 1993. EPPIC user's guide draft, USDA-ARS, Grassland, Soil and Water Research laboratory, Temple, 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 1195 

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