Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

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Ragimov, Rauf 
2.2 Description of GIS "Caspy" 
At solution of the task about the creation of GIS of Pricaspian region was taken that facts that in the considered case it is 
necessary to use unclaimed potential of the own programmers. Thus is resolved to rest on own developments of all 
software, except for the programme of input of cartographical data (for input are used the AutiDesk, AutoCad 
Created by us GIS represents a collection of software, joined in the uniform programme complex and consists of four 
automous programmes. The complex includes the following programme units: 
- block of the analysis of the space data; 
- block of simulation and prediction of inundated zones on the basis of creation of digital models of the 
locality and cartographical simulation; 
- control block databases of GIS; 
- data processing block of remote sensing (RS). 
3.1 Block of digital simulation of a relief. 
At creation of bases of the digital cartographical bases and the subject - contents of maps it is necessary to take into 
account miscellaneous scale to provide possibility of transition from small-sized to larger scales. For this purpose it is 
created a system of the digital cartographical bases of base scales from which can pass to other scales on the basis of an 
automatic generalization. For the territory of the coastal zone of Azerbaijan such base scales are: 
- 1:100 000 — providing the render of territories, with characteristic natural and climatic, social and economic trend; 
-  1:50000 — providing the render of territories with administrative division; 
- 1: 10000 - permitting to give the detail large-scale basis for construction of digital model of locality, as the standard 
for simulation of inundated zones of the coastal areas. 
The designed programmes allow effectively to decide the tasks of automation of processes of creation of the large-scale 
schedules and electronic maps. 
3.2 Block of simulation and prediction of inundated zones 
The designed software package allows on a given regular grid to make the following problem and oriented operations: 
- Construction an isoline of a level on the digital model geofields; 
- Construction of zones of watercollector on the crossing locality; 
- Automized definition and logical selection bound with the sea of sites of a coastal zone. 
The polygons, subjected to splashing down at given the water level are selected in the vector format. At the following 
stage of areas, subjected to splashing down are painted over in conditional colours in the interactive mode. The area and 
volumetric characteristics of the inundated sites are defined on isolated complex polygons. 
Main features of algorithm are: 
- Stable running in the most complex and diverse conditions; 
-  Linewise scanning of input data in the operational memory and deleting after processing; 
- Control of closure of lines on polygons and the interpolation decrease of the step of a grid. 
3.3 Control block with data banks 
This block, grantiving its services to other constituents GIS represents an independently working software media. In this 
blocks there are all standard for similar systems the functions, such as creation, data manipulation, inquiries and reports. 
The data bank represents the relational database. The bank bases on an information image of social and economic object 
of a coastal zone with cartographical or administrative binding of the object. 
In the bank there are the following categories: 1) settlements; 2) industrial objects; 3) objects of farmland; 4) 
communications; 5) hydrographic networks; 6) hydraulic engineering structures; 7) sources of ecological 
contaminations; 8) guarded territories and reserves. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 1207 

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