Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

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Mroz, Marek 
Marek MRÓZ', Stanislaw BIALOUSZ" 
" Olsztyn University, Poland 
Faculty of Geodesy and Regional Planning 
Department of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing 
Marek.mroz Q kosmos.uni.olsztyn.p! 
"Warsaw University of Technology, Poland 
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography 
Laboratory of Remote Sensing & GIS 
S.Bialousz 9 gik.pw.edu.pl 
Working Group .... 
KEY WORDS: Database, SPOT, Soil conservation, GIS, Forestry. 
Nowadays in Poland a creation of Regional Soils Information System is needed. This system should fulfil the geometric 
and thematic accuracy criteria required for maps at the 1:100 000 scale. The first component of such a system could be 
a geographical soils database. For the whole country area the soil-agricultural maps at the scale 1/100 000 exist. Using 
these maps it is possible to begin the process of soils database establishing. Unfortunately these maps cover only 
agricultural areas. The soils covered by forest are marked on these maps only by label "forests". For the needs of 
Regional Soils Information System creation it is necessary to acquire the data about the forested soils. For the forested 
areas there are detailed soil maps at 1: 5000 scale, but their use in system creation is not appropriate because of the scale 
In this paper an indirect method of data acquisition on forested soils is presented. This method consists in digital 
processing and computer assisted interpretation of satellite imagery (SPOT-4) and interpretation of forest vegetation 
maps (forest sites maps). Existing soils maps at 1: 300 000 scale, geological maps and map of potential (primary) 
vegetation can be used as ancillary data. All mentioned above data beside satellite imagery are stored in analogue form 
and must be converted to digital (raster or vector) form. In this paper the preliminary results of the first stage of the 
method elaboration are presented: fusion of the data issued from forest vegetation map (at 1: 25 000 scale) and from 
SPOT image processing results. The processing of SPOT data has been focused on enhancing of stand of trees 
differentiation which can indicate the relationships between soils, microrelief and vegetation. The correlation between 
forest’s vegetation seen on satellite image and forest sites indicated on forest maps added to geological data made 
possible to distinguish 5 units in soil database. 
The study bas been carried out on the area of about 5 000 ha in the forest complex named "Puszcza Biala" situated in 
the Central Poland (80 km north - east from Warsaw). The main idea has been to use the modern technology like 
satellite images together with thematic maps existing for this area for soils information system creation. Off course the 
whole methodology consist of indirect, deductive method of reasoning on soils types and their properties having 
different informations on: geology, geomorphology and relief. 
Vegetation , particularly trees and undergrowth layer is a good indicator of certain soils properties. On the other hand 
permanent vegetation associations are important factor of pedogenese. Existing maps at reasonable scales for this 
project representing stands, forest sites and stand age are stored in analogue form. The contents of that maps is often too 
generalized and not up-to-date. From this point of view satellite image seems to be a source of information 
complementary and /or alternative. In this paper we have shown only the first stage of the way named in the title "GIS 
modeling", limited to the comparison of maps and a satellite image. The figures attached not show yet whole spatial 
and multi-layer reasoning chain. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 911 

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