Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Ramachandran, Kausalya 
Hofmann, B., & H. Kobus 1996. Coupling GIS and geohydrological models to assess point-source groundwater 
contamination risk - a planning tool for public water supply companies. In: K. Kovar & H.P. Nachtnebel (ed) 
"Application of GIS in Hydrology and Water Resources Management.' IAHS Publ. No. 235, 1996. pp. 313 - 319. 
Malina, J.F., 1996. Water Quality. In: L.W. Mays (ed) ' Water Resources Handbook'. McGraw-Hill. ISBNO0-07-041150- 
6. pp. 8.1 - 8.49. 
NRSA, 1987. Land use / land cover classification key. National Remote Sensing Agency (ISRO), Hyderabad, India. 
USEPA, 1954. Methods for Laboratory Determination of Water Quality. USDA Handbook No. 60. 
USEPA, 1990. EPA handbook of Groundwater, Groundwater contamination, Vol.1. USEPA Office of Research & 
Development, Washington DC, USA. EPA 625/6 - 90/016a. 
WHO, 1984. Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality. WHO, Geneva. 
1230 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 

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