Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Rao, D.P. 
of planning(Trotter,1991; Smith and Blackwell,1980; Welsh et al.,1992; Hellden et 
| al., 1982). 
xd Having realised the importance of integrated approach ‘ for sustainable 
n, development, the Department of Space, Government of India in collaboration 
e. with the State Governments had initiated pilot studies in 21 districts covering 
to 203,000 sq. km. and representing diverse terrain, agro-climatic conditions and 
Yid social and cultural practices apart from very often affected by drought, in the 
th year 1987, to find scientific and lasting solution to mitigate drought following the 
unprecedented drought in many parts of the country during the period 1985-87. 
Based on encouraging results of the pilot projects, such study was extended to 
n another 153 districts covering 549,496 sq. km. spread over in 25 states at the 
al instance of Planning Commission, Govt. of India - the highest policy decision 
al | making body, under a national project titled "Integrated Mission for Sustainable 
on Development (IMSD)". A conceptual framework of IMSD is given in Fig.-1. For 
ease of implementation of the action plan in phased manner in these selected 
districts, initially it was decided to identify a priority block in each district for the 
an study. (A block is an administrative unit covering an area ranging from 1000- 
d- 1500 sq. Km.). Subsequently, 80 blocks spread over in 80 districts and covering 
d 85,339 sq. km. have been selected on a priority basis for taking up such study. 
n, For generating information on land and water resources, the Linear Imaging Self- 
O scanning (LISS-IT) data from Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS-1A/1B) in the 
form of False Colour Composite (FCC) prints at 1:50,000 scale and digital data in 
| the form of Computer Compatible Tape (CCT) were used in conjunction with 
ic | the ancillary information, namely published reports, thematic maps, etc. and 
or adequate field check. Information on slope has been derived from 1:50,000 
al. scale Survey of India topographical maps. For appreciation of climate of the 
C area, meteorological data available with the India Meteorological 
on | Department/respective district or taluk (an administrative unit) headquarters 
in were made use of. Besides, information on demographic and socio-economic 
1e conditions were taken from the published records by the concerned 
ce departments. 
al 8.2 APPROACH 
19 A holistic approach involving generation of thematic maps on land and water 
ad | resources and their integration with the socio-economic and other ancillary 
al | information was employed to arrive at locale-specific prescription for sustainable 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 1243 

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