Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Reusing, Matthias 
Chaffey, 1978. South-Western Ethiopia Forest Inventory Project. Ministry of Overseas Development, Land Resources 
Division, Surrey, England. 
EFAP, 1994. Ethiopian Forestry Action Program. Final Report, Ministry of Natural Resources Development and 
Environmental Protection, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 
FAO/UNDP, 1978. Land Use and Land Cover Ethiopia 1:1,000,000. Ministry of Agriculture, Land Use Planning and 
Regulatory Department, Addis Ababa, Development and Environmental Protection, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 
JICA, 1997. The Forest Resources Management Study in the southwestern Part of Ethiopia. Interim Report & Maps. 
Japan Forest Civil Engineering Consultants Foundation Kokusai Kogyo, Japan. 
Ministry of Water Resources, 1997. Abay River Basin Integrated Development Master Plan Project. Final Report and 
Maps, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 
Reusing, M., 1998: Monitoring of Natural High Forests in Ethiopia. Internal Report, Ministry of Agriculture, Addis 
Ababa, Ethiopia. 
WBISPP, 1997. Digital Land Cover Classification of SW Ethiopia. Woody Biomass Inventory and Strategic Planning 
Project, Ministry of Agriculture, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 
1258 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 
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