Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

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Rokos, Demetrius 
Specifically, the third chapter refers to the analysis of the Greek Forest Law. In the fourth chapter, the Remote Sensing 
interface is defined and suitable image processing methods and techniques are summarized. In chapter 5, the 
specifications of the ELCM under implementation are given. An exemplar of ELCM showing the detected housing in 
the forests and forest areas of the municipalities of Old and New Penteli, Attica, Greece, at scale 1:5000, is also 
presented and conclusions are drawn. 
The analysis of any Environmental Law according to a formal and standard procedure leads to the specification of the 
technical requirements regarding the integration of appropriately processed EO data in the procedure of ELCM 
production. Once the technical specifications are defined, the formalization of a standardized procedure for the 
production of the ELCM is developed. Analytically, three steps could summarize the methodology developed: 
e First, the specific Environmental Law has to be classified in different thematic categories of laws/decrees/rules, 
according to the criterion of the cause of infringement. This classification leads to the definition of ELCM layers 
necessary for the specific Law. ELCM layers are therefore legislation specific i.e. a legislation map layer should be 
developed for every category of laws/decrees/rules. 
e Second, law provisions involved in the implementation of the legal and/or administrative decision making 
processes have to be identified for each law category and the stage and method of EO data integration into the 
procedure have to be indicated. EO data spatial, spectral and temporal characteristics, as well the pertinent photo- 
interpretation and image processing methods and techniques are consequently defined. 
e Third, specifications regarding the presentation of the ELCM layers defined in the first step have to be set. These 
must conform to ELCM definitions. 
According to these definitions, each ELCM layer should mainly contain information on: 
1. the conditioned areas that are subject to restrictions imposed by the environmental legislation under analysis, 
2. theareas where a potential infringement of these restrictions occurs, i.e. the breach areas. 
Ancillary data will also be used to facilitate map interpretation (e.g. road network, drainage patterns, administrative 
boundaries, and contour lines). 
3.1 Analysis of the Greek Forest Law requirements 
The Greek Forest Law has been analyzed in order to extract all the legal requirements applicable to forests’ and forest 
areas’ control. The analysis of the Greek Forest Law revealed: 
1) the legal requirements for the characterization of an area as a forest or forest area, 
2) seven different causes of deforestation, which are subject to detailed regulation. The thematic classification of the 
different causes of deforestation is outlined as follows: : 
2.1) land-use planning and extension of city plans. 
2.2) fencing of private forests and forest areas. : 
2.3) illegal building in forests and forest areas. Building restrictions and exemptions. 
2.4) fragmentation of forests and forest areas. 
2.5) quarries. 
2.6) reforestation of burnt forests and forest areas. 
2.7) Building Associations. 
For each cause of deforestation, an ELCM layer can be produced which shows implementation or enforcement aspects 
of specific law provisions.. A 
3.2 Law Provisions 
The seven categories listed in paragraph 3.1 are analyzed in legislation terms in table 1, i.e. for each category / ELCM 
layer the related main law provisions are presented. It is clear that all categories specifically depend on the presence or 
not of a forest or forest area, and therefore one more category of law provisions is added, which concerns the legal 
characterization of an area as forest (Alevizatos and Pavlopoulos, 1998, Gianakouros, 1988). 
Category 1: Forest and forest areas characterization 
Law provisions Description = 
Art. 2 Law 998/1979 | "The country's administration is obliged to protect forests and forest areas in general". (The 
Greek legal framework aiming at the protection of the forests of the country applies on 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 1269 

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