Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Rokos, Demetrius 
‘forests’ and ‘forest areas’. Therefore, the implementation of the Greek forest legislation 
depends on the detection and consequently the characterization of an area as such. 
ArtL3 Law 998/1979 | As ‘forest’ will be deemed all area of the surface of the ground, covered in all or in part by 
wild woody plants of any growth or age, comprising, by their distance and interaction an 
organic unit. 
As ‘forest area’ is considered all area of the surface of the ground, covered by sparse or 
meager, high or bushy, wooden vegetation of any formation and capable of servicing one 
or more of the functions mentioned in the previous paragraph. 
Ar. 11-13 Law | Procedure of characterization of an area as forest by using the available earliest air photos 
998/1979 of the country. 
Presidential ^ Decree | Technical specifications for the above procedure. 
Category 2: Land-use 
planning and extension of city plans 
Law provisions 
Art.1-2 Legislative 
Decree of 17.11.1927 
Council of State 
Decision 3414/1978 
Settlements have to be developed according to an existing city plan. 
The Council of State has interpreted the above mentioned Articles 1 and 2 in the light of 
the provisions of Article 24 and 117 par. 3 of the Greek Constitution. The Council stated 
that (burnt) forest areas could not be included in existing city plans. Such an action would 
result in the total destruction of forest areas, which runs against the constitutional 
protection of forests in Greece. 
Category 3: Fencing of private forests and forest areas 
Law provisions 
Art. 45 par. Law 
Council of State 
Decision 1516/1993 
Any intervention in forests and forest areas is prohibited. 
No fencing of private forests and forest areas is allowed. The Council of State decided that 
fhis restriction of the property rights of the owner of a private forest or forest area is legal. 
Category 4: Illegal building _ 
Law provisions 
Art. 71 Law 998/1979 
Art. 45 parl Law 
The construction of buildings in forest areas is prohibited. 
Any intervention in forests and forest areas is prohibited. 
Category 5: Fragmentation 
Law provisions Description 
Art. 60 Legislative The fragmentation of private forests and private forest areas is not allowed without 
Decree 86/1969 permission by the Ministry of Agriculture. According to Council of State Decision 285/93, 
this permission by the Ministry of Agriculture can only be granted for reasons of a more 
efficient forest economy. 
Category 6: Quarries 
Law provisions 
Art. 57 Law 998/1979 
Art. 45 par 3 Law 
Every damage caused to forests or forest areas must be restored after the end of the 
extracting activity. Holders of an operation permit that violate this duty are subject to 
criminal sanction, pursuant to Art.57 and 71 Law 998/1979. It is no secret that in most 
cases this provision is not enforced. 
Article 45 par. 3 states that any kind of operation in forests and forest areas can only be 
tolerated if an alternative location for this operation outside the forests and forest areas in 
question is not possible. 
Category 7: Reforestation of burnt forest areas 
Law provisions Description 
Art. 117 Greek | Forests and forest areas, public or private, which have been destroyed by fire or by other 
Constitution means are still to be regarded as forests and forest areas and are subject to reforestation. 
Article 41 Law | This provision refers to the procedure of reforestation. The locally competent Prefect issues 
998/1979 a decision, which clearly defines the (burnt) area that is subject to reforestation. Attached to 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 

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