Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Mroz, Marek 
For this study we have had at our disposal some ancillary materials and cartographic documents: geologic map at 1: 200 The pr 
000 scale, geomorphologic map 1: 150 000, soils map 1: 300 000 - elaborated long time ago (50 years). The geologic differei 
and geomorphologic maps indicate the origin and the texture of the superficial formations (deposits). These deposits are investi 
: fluvioglacial sands, eroded clays of ground moraine covered with fluvioglacial silty sands, the enclaves of sandy inspect 
loams, eolian sands, Holocene sands, peat. The relief forms are quite flat. The escarpment of about 10m high separates must r 
postglacial plateau from Holocene Bug river valley. On this plateau as well as on Holocene terraces there are sparse general 
dunes. The old soils map 1: 300 000 gives more informations on soil texture, than on genetic types because genetic soils source 
classification applied for creation of this map had been simplified and majority of soils had been put into podzols type. 
The study area is the old forest complex. The soils are covered by forest vegetation from time immemorial and probably seria D 
always this area was covered by forest. But normal forest husbandry is leading in this area consisting of clear cutting of 
whole sub-divisions (parcels) and their afforestation. The highest forest layer (trees) is not always related to site Girard 
conditions resulting from soil-geological potential (soil richness). With this potential more related are forest floor and Massor 
Analyzing of typical arrangements of pedogenesis factors we can distinguish following, very probable relationships: Strasze 
(see. Tab 1.) 
Treitz ] 
Morphogenese Texture of materials Vegetation Soils PE&R: 
Eroded ground moraine Sandy loams Deciduous forests: fresh and | Luvisols, Stagnic Luvisols 
Silty sands Deciduous forests: fresh Podzoluvisols, 
Cambic Luvisols 
Fluvioglacial sands on | Silty sands Coniferous mixed forest Dystric Luvisols 
terraces Loose sands Coniferous fresh forest Podzols 
Cambic Podzols 
Eolian sands Loose sands Coniferous dry forest Podzols 
Coniferous fresh forest Cambic Podzols 
Glacilacustrine deposits Varied texture Deciduous humid wood, Gleysols 
Marshy wood 
Lower river terraces Peat Alder carr, Shrubs Histosols 
Mineral deposits on river | Sands, silty sands Humid deciduous wood Gleysols 
terraces Humid marshy wood (Ash) | Gleyic Luvisols 
Tab.1. Pedogenese factors chain. 
It is possible to lead the reasoning on the types and properties of soils of this region on two levels of approximation: 
1. only analyzing of vegetation differentiation extracted from satellite images alone (radiometric values of pixels), 
2. using satellite images as previously and declared knowledge related to forest vegetation associations, 
morphogenese and relief. 
Many different analysis and comparisons have been carried out leading to distinguish following soils units appearing in 
soils associations or alone: 
Orthic Luvisols and Stagnic Luvisols 
Podzoluvisols and Stagnic Cambicsols 
Dystric Luvisols 
Podzols and Cambic Podzols 
Histosola and Gleysols. 
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Credibility of this model will be verified randomly using soils map at 1: 5 000 scale. Terrain investigations and model 
verification can give an opportunity to extend the methodology on similar physiographic units. 
918 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000.

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