Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Naburo, Njohjam Peter 
3.2 Landuse Conflict in the Project Region: 
The CDC plantations were created in 1947 by the Germans. They have demarcated these plantations 
with property beacons. The plantations cover 85374 hectares of land of which 2/3 of this area is within 
the Mount Cameroon Project Region. 
This land begins from 0-1800meters above sea level and most of it still under forest cover. The 
Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC) intends to expand the plantations within their leasehold 
boundaries, Mount Cameroon Projects intends to conserve biodiversity within the CDC land and 
farmers are encroaching in the protected forest for agriculture plantations development. There is a need 
to use GIS and remote sensing technique to find a solution 
4 Remote Sensing application: 
To better understand the present landuse, remote sensing data is required. A landsat TM 1986/87 
Scene of the project region was ordered. The existing plantations and forest cover were mapped. 
Information gathered from CDC estate managers showed that suitable growing attitude for oil palms is 
from 0 — 400m above mean sea level. This was particularly around the West Coast near the Atlantic 
Ocean where there is a high quality equatorial rain forest. From the image spectral signature, different 
types of forest were mapped (dense forest, montane, degraded forest). This landsat image is used as a 
raster background for further interpretation. The image is in digital format on CD-Rom and hard copy 
at scale 1:75.000 in an Arc/info format. Although the image was quite old, it was the only image of 
Mount Cameroon with less than 30% cloud cover. 
5. The Mount Cameroon GIS database 
Mapinfo 4.1 is the software used in the MCP GIS and located in the folder named “GIS data” in the 
root directory of the hard disc drive C. 
The data tables are as follow: 
Data Table 1 
Folder/Sub-Folder Content 
C:\GIS data Workspaces for print layouts 
C:\GIS data\GPS data GPS Point files 
C:\GIS data Layout Scalebar tables 
C:\GIS data Scans Scanned maps and map Info registration 
C:\GIS data Theme Thematic map tables 
C:\GIS data\topo Topographic map table. 
6. GIS in Landuse Planning 
Landuse planning is originally concerned with what should be done, where. Hence maps form a key 
element in the presentation of results. 
6.1 Natural Resource Management 
611 Community Forest Development: 
With the overlay of the CDC leasehold boundary and the altimetric theme, it is clear that the leasehold 
gets up to 1800m above mean sea level which is an area of high quality forest. 
950 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 
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