ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A „Photogrammetric Computer Vision‘, Graz, 2002
Figure 6 A test area including a road, street lamps, an
underpass and a small vegetation area with small pine
trees. Top: raw laser data. Bottom: the estimated
ground surface
| —— | Optimized mesh
79 | : 5 Segmented raw data
78 }
76 :
75 À s 4 j Y
73H i
faa pala, “es
EM »
72 Pt i
Ta -—
71 i i L ii 1 i i
1.4868 1.4868 1.4868 1.4868 1.4868 1.4868 1.4868 1.4868 1.4868 1.4868
x 10°
Figure 7 Estimated ground surface for a single laser
radar swath. From left: the road, a ditch and a slope
with trees.
When the surface estimation is done it is possible to add a
classification step. By comparing the raw data set with the
model, the points close enough to this surface are labeled as
ground points, Figure 8. Then by picking out the ground
points from the data set, a TIN is built using the original
values from the data set.
When running the algorithm on more sparse data sets some
problems occur due to the re sampling of the data into a
regular grid. When the re sampling is done the true X,Y-
values of the points are lost. The height value of the point is
moved to the centre of the nearest mesh and it is not good if
this is outside the original footprint of the laser. On the other
hand, if the data is re sampled into a fine grid most of
A -
Raw Data
Raw Data
Optimize Segmented
Active Contour
Ground Compare with
Raw Data
Figure 8.The classification chain of the laser scanner
the grid points lack data, this makes the algorithm slow. It is
preferred that the grid points are approximately of the same
number as the raw data points. In the data sets the algorithm
was designed for, the laser footprint is about 0.3-0.5 m. The
grid size has been set to 0.25 m. This gives a maximum error
of displacement in X,Y of a laser point to less than 18 cm.
One way to handle the displacement of points would be to
adjust the algorithm to work with a TIN model instead of a
mesh. The most straight forward method would be to let the
model have the same number of vertices as the number of
laser data points. A better way is probably to let the model
have a variable number of control points, adding vertices
near edges.
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