Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A „Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
collinearity equations and uses different forms of trajectory 
models. This sensor model is used for the improvement of the 
measured exterior orientation parameters for each scan line of 
TLS images by a modified photogrammetric bundle adjustment, 
and for the derivation of the geometric constraints in our 
modified MPGC and GCMM procedures. More details on our 
TLS sensor model can be found in Gruen and Zhang, 2002. 
Table 1: TLS sensor and imaging parameters 
focal length 60.0 mm 
number of pixels per array 10200 
pixel size 7 um 
number of CCD focal plane arrays 3 
stereo view angle 21/42 degree* 
Field of view 61.5 degree 
instantaneous field of view 0.0065 degree 
scan line frequency 500 HZ 
* forward-nadir/forward-backward stereo view angle 
View from the Lens 
CCD Flight Direction 
Scanning EPI » 
«o =» 
B G R B G R Same Structure 
10200 10200 
A A 
| | 71.4mm 
| 7 7 7 1 7 7 M 
Ip po rép UA U 
(lere ie — Ferr 
n I n 1 
' 1544 1540 | 154. 154m ' 
23.032mm Ld 
Figure 1: TLS CCD sensor configuration 
3. Matching Considerations 
The automatic generation of DTMs has gained much attention 
in the past years. A wide variety of approaches have been 
developed, and automatic DTM generation packages are in the 
meanwhile commercially available on several digital 
photogrammetric workstations. Although the algorithms and the 
matching strategies used may differ from each other, the 
accuracy performance and the problems encountered are very 
similar in the major systems and the performance of commercial 
image matchers does by far not live up to the standards set by 
manual measurements (Gruen et al., 2000). The main problems 
in DTM generation are encountered with 
(a) Little or no texture 
(b) Distinct object discontinuities 
(c) Local object patch is no planar face in sufficient 
(d) Repetitive objects 
(e) Occlusions 
(f) Moving objects, incl. shadows 
(g) Multi-layered and transparent objects 
(h) Radiometric artifacts, like specular reflections and others 
(1) Reduction from DSM to DTM 
The degree to which these problems will influence the matching 
results is image scale dependent. A DTM derived from 10m 
pixelsize SPOT images will be relatively better than one derived 
from 10cm pixelsize TLS images. 
Area-based, feature-based and relational matching have both 
advantages and disadvantages with respect to these problems. 
The key to successful matching is an appropriate matching 
strategy, making use of all available and explicit knowledge 
concerning sensor model, network structure and image content. 
But even then the lack in image understanding capability will 
lead to problems, whose relevance must be judged by the 
project specifications. 
This paper presents a matching procedure for automatic DSM 
generation from the TLS raw images that can provide dense, 
precise and reliable results and addresses the problems (a)-(f) 
mentioned above. The proposed method is a combined 
matching procedure, which is based on both grid point matching 
and feature point matching. The presented results reflect an 
intermediate stage of development. We are fully aware that 
more refinements are needed before automated matching can be 
considered a highly reliable procedure. 
Figure 2 shows the strategy of our matching approach. We use 
the raw TLS images and the given or previously triangulated 
orientation elements. After production of the image pyramids 
we extract on the upper pyramid level a first approximation 
DSM by a geometrically constrained feature point matching 
based on cross-correlation. Next we run a grid point based 
relaxation matching scheme through all pyramid levels. We 
select the grid width to 11 pixels on all levels. The matching 
candidates are obtained by a  cross-correlation-based 
geometrically constrained matching, as described in chapter 4.1. 
At each level we obtain a refined DSM, which in turn is used in 
the subsequent pyramid level for the candidate search. The 
important aspect of this relaxation method is its compatible 
coefficient function and its smoothness constraint satisfaction 
scheme. The smoothness constraint links the matching results of 
the neighbouring grid points to each other and achieves global 
consistency in the matching. The weight of the smoothness 
constraint is related to the image texture information and 
provides the possibility of controlling the continuity of the 
terrain surface. With the smoothness constraint, image areas 
with little or no texture information can be bridged by assuming 
that the terrain surface varies smoothly over the area. 
Next we can either activate a modified Multiphoto 
Geometrically Constrained Matcher (MPGC) or a 
Geometrically Constrained Multi-point Matcher (GCMM). Both 
may be considered as refinements of the relaxation matching 
results and are used in order to achieve sub-pixel accuracy. 
The modified multi-point matching with geometric constraints 
is characterized by its smoothness constraints in the 2D parallax 
domain. By including geometrical constraints, it can be used to 
match three TLS images simultaneously and provide the pixel 
and object coordinates for each nadir image grid point 
In order to compensate the disadvantages of terrain modeling by 
grid points, a feature point matching procedure which exploits 
the modified MPGC has also been implemented. In this 
procedure, the feature points are extracted by using some 
interest operator such as Moravec’s. The relaxation matching 
results provide quite good approximations. 
The weighted geometric constraints in the modified MPGC and 
GCMM forces the matching to search for a conjugate point only 
along the epipolar curves. This reduction of the search space 
from 2D to 1D increases the success rate and reliability of the 
feature point matching results. Moreover, the geometric 
constraints derived from the TLS sensor model link the grid 
matching results of the three TLS images and have the ability to 
solve the problem of repetitive objects, occlusions and moving 
objects in image matching. 
According to Hsia and Newton, 1999, using a combination of 
feature points, grid points and filling back points can give 
encouraging results for DTM production. The results of using 
three different TLS data sets from Japan (city, sub-urban and 
mountainous area) will be reported in this paper. 
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