Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A „Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
EOP and for obtaining the correspondence between the two data 
sets in addition to reliably highlighting the changes. 
fe Original Points 
4X Matched Points 
Non-Matched Points 
Figure 4. Example of detected changes between road segments 
in image and object space. 
The MIHT for robust parameter estimation technique has been 
used to perform SPR for real data using free-form control linear 
features without knowing the correspondence between image 
and object space primitives. The proposed technique robustly 
estimates the parameters. In other words, the parameters are 
estimated using common features in both data sets (object and 
image space features); while non-corresponding entities are 
filtered out prior to the parameter estimation. An optimum 
sequence for parameter estimation and the associated image 
regions had been established and implemented. The proposed 
method has successfully established the feature-to-feature 
correspondence between the image and object space. It has also 
highlighted discrepancies (changes) between the object and 
image space road network and provided a quantitative measure 
indicating the amount of the change. The proposed system has 
the capability of integrating aerial imagery with GIS data or 
terrestrial mobile mapping system for decision-making purposes 
(e.g. re-mapping of road network). In this way, newly acquired 
aerial imagery can undergo SPR using available control 
information from a terrestrial mobile mapping system, previous 
imagery, GIS database or line maps. Currently, we are analysing 
the optimum pixel size of the accumulator array corresponding 
to different parameters at various iterations. In addition, 
generating rectified ortho-images using matched control linear 
features will be investigated in future research. 
The authors would like to thank Ms. Young-Ran Lee, Mr. 
Hsiang Tseng Lin and Mr. Suyoung Seo for their help in 
collecting the data used in the experiment section. Also, we 
thank other members in the OSU photogrammetry group for the 
helpful discussions and feedback. 
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