Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A „Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
explicitely h(z,y) — f f H(u, v)ei?r(vwtvvdudu or 
x)= ] Bene? au 
using the definition ofthe Fourier transform of (Castleman, 
In case we have a sinus-type pattern s(x) = asin(2xux) = 
a sin(27 $) the response of the system is a sine-wave with 
contrast à = H(u)a. As the MTF usually falls off for large 
frequencies, contrast of tiny details is diminished heavily. 
In our special context we obtain the MTF for the Gaussian 
shaped PSF 
Gx (x) 0-6 e 20u' Xu 
which again is a Gaussian, however, with the matrix P — 
D /47? as parameter. Observe that we have 
P-R 41202 g R!. 
0 4 2 
2.3 Contrast Sensitivity Function 
In order to evaluate the usefulness of the imaging system 
with a certain PSF or MTF the so called contrast sensitiv- 
ity function (CSF) is used. The contrast sensitivity func- 
tion gives the minimum contrast at a periodic edge pattern 
which can be perceived by a human. In our case we want 
to apply this notion to edge detectors. 
Assume we have a periodic pattern of edges characterized 
by the wavelength A and the contrast c. Further assume the 
image to be sampled with a pixel size of Az and the noise 
has standard deviation o4. An ideal edge detector would 
adapt to the wavelength of the pattern and perform an op- 
timal test whether an edge exists or not. For simplicity we 
assume that the pattern is parallel to one of the two coordi- 
nate systems and that the edge detector uses the maximum 
possible square of size À x A. The difference Ag between 
the means / and ji? of the two neighboured areas can be 
determined from the N/2 = (A/Az)?/2 pixels in the two 
areas. It has standard deviation 
/ / 2 2Ax 
CAg = oi, + Ohio = V20y = v2. Won = TA 9n 
Thus in case we perform the test with a significance num- 
ber a and require a minimum probability o for detecting 
the edge we can detect edges with a minimum height 
Aog = do(a, Bo)oag = do(@, Bo) ——0n- 
The factor &o(a, Bo) depends on the significance level of 
the test and the required probability of detecting an edge. 
It is reasonable to fix it; in case we choose a small sig- 
nificance number a = 0.001 and a minimum detectability 
Bo = 0.8 we have & = 4.17 ~ 4. The minimum de- 
tectable contrast in a reasonable manner depends on the 
size of the window and the noise level: The larger the 
noise standard deviation and the smaller the window the 
larger the contrast of the edge needs to be in order to be 
As we finally want to relate the contrast sensitivity to the 
frequency u — 1/A and obtain the contrast sensitivity func- 
CSF(u) - Aog(u) — 269 Ar uo; 
It goes linear with the frequency, indicating higher fre- 
quency edge patterns require higher contrast. 
2.4 Resolving power 
The resolving power RP usually is defined as that fre- 
quency u where the contrast is too small due to the prop- 
erties of the imaging system to be detectable. As periodic 
patterns with small wave length will loose contrast heavily 
they may not be perceivable any more. 
The MTF has maximum value 1 and measures the ratio 
in contrast MTF(u) = a(u)/a(u), whereas the CSF mea- 
sures the minimum contrast being detectable. In order to 
be able to compare the MTF with the CSF we need to nor- 
malize the CSF. This easily can be done in case we intro- 
duce the signal to noise ratio 
SNR. = = 
with k being the contrast. Then the relative contrast sensi- 
tivity function reads as 
ICSE(u) Ere 200 a UOn _ RAT 
which immediately can be compared with the MTF. 
One usually argues, that the resolving power is the fre- 
quency where the relative contrast, measured by the MTF, 
is identical to the minimum relative contrast being detecta- 
ble (cf. fig. 3). Thus the resolving power RP=u is implic- 
itly given by 
MTF (ug) = rCSF (uo). 
usable image contrast 
resolving power 
Figure 3: Relations between the modulation transfer func- 
tion (MTF), the contrast sensitivity function (CSF) and the 
resolving power (RP). 
In the 1-dimensional case we can explicitely give ug 
1 TT? 0? 
= wea fLambertW a. =5 res SNR? J. 
Ee (5 Ax? ) 
A - 207 

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