Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A »Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
Oda, K., Kano, H., and Kanade, T., 1997. Generalized disparity 
and its applications for multi-stereo camera calibration. Optical 
3-D measurement Techniques IV, pp.109-116. 
Sakamoto, M., Uchida, O., Doihara, T., Oda, K., Lu, W., Obata, 
M., 2000. Geo-plotter - a softcopy mapping system for low cost 
digital mapping process. /4APRS, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 
XXXII, Part B4, pp.889-892. 
Szeliski, R., 1994. Image Mosaicing for Tele-Reality Applica- 
tions, DEC CRL 94/1, April. 
n m’ 
C e C 
Figure 8. Homography for Plane II 
Homography matrix for plane II is determined by geometric 
relationship between the stereo cameras (C and C') and the 
plane II: 
= , T 2l 
Hp —Q.M (R+ zn ny JM (23) 
where M and M' are matrices of interior orientation parameters 
of C and C', R is the rotation matrix between C and C', T is 
the translation vector from C' to C in C' 's coordinate system, 
np; is a normal vector to the plane II in C 's coordinate system, 
zy is the depth from the camera C to plane IT in the direction 
of ng , and a is a scale factor which adjust the lower right ele- 
ment of the matrix to 1. The matrix of interior orientation M isa 
3 x 3 matrix: 
F/s, Qu 
M = 0 F/s, v (24) 
0 07-1 
where F is focal length, s, is the size of pixel in x direction, s 
is the size of pixel in y direction, and (u, v) is coordinates of the 
principal point. 
Assume that two homography matrices Hg, and Hg, for two 
planes IT, and IT, are given: 
If ng nmn (i.e., two planes are parallel) and 
Y = 0/0, , we can define another homography matrix Hg, by 
a linear combination of Hg. and Hg, with parameter D : 
Hy, = (-Bu *B y: Hy 
ent mor t 
=o,  M|R + 
0 Zn Z 
IT, IT, 
ap (26) 
Now another homography matrix H(D) with parameter D : 
H(D) = (-D)-Hy "DH (27) 
Equation (27) can be deformed into: 
H(D) = o((1- B)Hg, +B-Y- Hp) Q8) 
a= ((1-D)y+D)/y 
Comparison between equation (28) and equation (26) reveals 
that H(D) is a homography matrix for a plane parallel to IT, . 
A - 233 

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