ISPRS Commission II, Vol.34, Part 3A „Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002
Y p P
A p
uu P ON
/ / /
7 x / A v y
Ff Hi
Figure 3. Geometry of simulated one-lens three-line
500 — =
400 —
Z Axis
200 8.2
| e Let
100 a? * supr
| 9 © ll C so
EON rA ur 1
X Axis
Y Axis
Figure 4. Simulated aircraft trajectory, together with
200} «80 65.60 455 90 uo 68: +65
| 09 uu «0
100} 55
Pr ius „65:60 urbe, E A busco MA 2
| 50 —
-100 - 62
-200L «59 +60 70
a i 457 i455. wo i #65 | i 73 i o77
-1000 -800 -600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 1000
X Axis
Figure 5. Distribution of simulated 40 GCPs, with
their heights, in meters. The aircraft trajectory is also
Y Axis
60-465 071370
41 Back projection
The aim of back projection is to estimate the pixel coordinates
(u= row number, v= column number) of the GCPs, using their
known ground coordinates and the known external orientation
for each sensor exposure.
The u coordinates can be determined from the well-known
affine transformation between pixel and image coordinates:
"I5 p (17)
where n, is the number of pixels per line and p, the pixel size in
y direction
Solving with respect to u and setting n,=10200, it yields to:
A - 250
us 51004 (18)
As far as v coordinate is concerned, it must be found at which
time (or in correspondence of which image line) the ground
point is observed by each CCD array. The first step is to
calculate the image coordinates with Equation 2, using as
external orientation the data corresponding to the first
exposure. The computed image coordinates refer to a local
system centred in the lens PC, with x-axis tangent to the flight
trajectory, y-axis directed along the scanning direction and z-
axis upwards directed. Then the calculated x- coordinate is
compared to the theoretical one, called x,, which is defined in
the following way. According to the one-lens sensors geometry
shown in Figure 3 and assuming that the linear CCD arrays are
perpendicular to the flight direction and no distortions nor
relative movements occur, x, is constant for all CCD elements
belonging to the same line (F=forward, N=nadir, B=backward)
and is equal to:
XcF - f tan(ay )
Xen = ftan(ay) (19)
Xe = ftan(opg)
where og np are the viewing angles and x,z, x,y and x,, the
theoretical x coordinates for the forward, nadir and backward
viewing lines. As , 0s;70, x, results equal to 0.
If the difference between calculated and theoretical x-
coordinates is bigger than the threshold of half the pixel size,
the image coordinates are recomputed using the external
orientation corresponding to the next exposure.
The procedure continues until the difference between calculated
and theoretical x coordinates is smaller than the threshold. The
corresponding exposure number will be then taken as v
coordinate. The algorithm is applied to each GCPs for the
forward, nadir and backward directions. As result, the GCPs
image coordinates in the three images are obtained.
In order to test the indirect georeferencing model, some
perturbations in the known sensor external orientation (Xe, Ye,
Zo, Wc, Qc, Kc) were introduced and afterwards estimated using
the indirect georeferencing algorithm. The perturbed position
and attitude (X ^, Y'c, Z'c, 0' c, 9' c, K' c) are defined for each
exposure / (/ - 1,...,A/) as:
Xc2Xc AX Ay sin(nz-1/ AL)
Yc =Yc +AY + A, sin(n-x-1/ AI)
Zc=Zç+AZ+4; sin(n-x-1/ AI)
Qc — Gc AQ A, sin(n-z-1/ AI)
c 796 *^9*4, sin(n-z-1/ Al)
Kc 9 Kc AKA A, sin(nr-1/ AI)
where n is the number of cycles and A/ is the number of
exposures. In the test, A/= 40832, AX= AZ=2.0 m, AY-1.0 m,
Aw=0.2°, Ag- Ax-0.3?, AX-AY-AZ-0.3m, Ae Aq- AK-0.1?
and n=5.