Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A „Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
Figure 3: Registration ofa point cloud to a CAD model: 
Initial and final position of the point cloud 
—©— Minimization with quadratic approximants 
-U- Minimization of point-to-point distances (ICP) d 
rer ee Pet Ee E M MESES, APT | 
MS alignment error 
c m 
S m dor rz op. 4 
4 5 
Figure 4: Comparison of the convergence rate for 
our method vs. minimization of point-to-point distances in 
each step (ICP). 
Here we did not deal with those systematic and random 
errors in the 3D point clouds that arise in the data capturing 
process. Our algorithm for the simultaneous registration of 
multiple point clouds iteratively minimizes a function F — 
S2 UI Ok(x)o em 1,279. The weights w; can be used to 
successively downweight outliers. Appropriate weighting 
schemes may be found in (Rousseeuw Leroy, 1987). 
In our contribution we have assumed that a rough, initial 
alignment of the point clouds is given and that small dis- 
placements of the point clouds are sufficient to bring them 
in optimal alignment. A very ambitious task for future re- 
search is to derive a stable algorithm to find these rough 
initial alignments. Such an algorithm should be applicable 
to multiple point clouds and should exploit as much infor- 
mation on the involved geometric entities as possible. 
Finally, for special geometries like 3D objects composed 
of simple surfaces one may have additional or more pre- 
cise information on the squared distance function (Kverh 
Leonardis, 2002). Additional work has to be done to in- 
clude such information in the basic algorithm. 
A - 270 
This work has been carried out within the K plus Compe- 
tence Center Advanced Computer Vision and was funded 
from the K plus program. 
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