Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

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ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A ,Photogrammetric Computer Vision‘, Graz, 2002 
Henrik Aanzes^, Rune Fisker^^, Kalle Astrom® and Jens Michael Carstensen? 
@ Technical University of Denmark 
b Lund Institute of Technology 
¢ 3Shape Inc. 
KEY WORDS: Robust statistics, feature tracking, Euclidean reconstruction, structure from motion 
Factorization algorithms for recovering structure and motion from an image stream have many advantages, but tradition- 
ally requires a set of well tracked feature points. This limits the usability since, correctly tracked feature points are not 
available in general. There is thus a need to make factorization algorithms deal successfully with incorrectly tracked 
feature points. 
We propose a new computationally efficient algorithm for applying an arbitrary error function in the factorization scheme, 
and thereby enable the use of robust statistical techniques and arbitrary noise models for individual feature points. These 
techniques and models effectively deal with feature point noise as well as feature mismatch and missing features. Fur- 
thermore, the algorithm includes a new method for Euclidean reconstruction that experimentally shows a significant 
improvement in convergence of the factorization algorithms. 
The proposed algorithm has been implemented in the Christy—Horaud factorization scheme and the results clearly illus- 
trate a considerable increase in error tolerance. 
Structure and motion estimation of a rigid body from an 
image sequence, is one of the most widely studied fields 
within the field of computer vision. A popular set of so- 
lutions to the subproblem of estimating the structure and 
motion from tracked features are the so—called factoriza- 
tion algorithms. They were originally proposed by [Tomasi 
and Kanade, 1992], and have been developed consider- 
ably since their introduction, see e.g. [Christy and Horaud, 
1996, Costeira and Kanade, 1998, Irani and Anandan, 2000, 
Kanade and Morita, 1994, Morris and Kanade, 1998, Poel- 
man and Kanade, 1997, Quan and Kanade, 1996, Sturm 
and Triggs, 1996]. 
These factorization algorithms work by linearizing the ob- 
servation model, and give good results fast and without any 
initial guess for the solution. Hence the factorization algo- 
rithms are good candidates for solving the structure and 
motion problem, either as a full solution or as initializa- 
tion to other algorithms such as bundle adjustment, see e.g. 
[Slama, 1984, Triggs et al., 2000]. 
The factorization algorithms assume that the correspon- 
dence or feature tracking problem has been solved. The 
correspondence problem is, however, one of the difficult 
fundamental problems within computer vision. No perfect 
and fully general solution has been presented. For most 
practical purposes one most abide with erroneous tracked 
features as input to the factorization algorithm. This fact 
poses a considerable challenge to factorization algorithms, 
since they implicitly assume independent identical distributed 
Gaussian noise on the 2D features (the 2-norm is used as 
error function on the 2D features). This noise assumption 
based on the 2-norm is known to perform rather poorly in 
the presence of erroneous data. One such badly tracked 
feature can corupt the result considerably. 
A popular way of addressing the sensitivity of the 2-norm 
to outliers is by introducing weights on the data, such that 
less reliable data is down-weighted. This is commonly 
referred to as weighted least squares. We here propose 
a method for doing this in the factorization framework. 
Hereby the sensitivity to outliers or erroneous data is re- 
duced. In other words we allow for an arbitrary Gaussian 
noise model on the 2D features, facilitating correlation be- 
tween the 2D features, directional noise on the individual 
2D features in each frame and an arbitrary variance. In this 
paper we focus on different sizes of the variance on the in- 
dividual 2D features, in that this in itself can address most 
of the issues of concern. 
In order to down-weight less reliable data these have to 
be identified. A popular way to do this is by assuming 
that data with residual over a given threshold are less re- 
liable. This assumption is the basis of most robust statis- 
tics, and is typically implemented via Iterative Reweighted 
Least Squares (IRLS). IRLS allows for arbitrary weighting 
functions. We demonstrate this by implementing the Hu- 
ber M-estimator [Huber, 1981] and the truncated quadratic 
[Black and Rangarajan, 1996]. 
The proposed approach applies robust statistical methods 
in conjunction with a factorization algorithm to obtain bet- 
ter result with erroneous data. 
There has been other attempts to address the problem of 
different noise structures in the factorization framework 
[Irani and Anandan, 2000, Morris and Kanade, 1998]. Irani 
and Anandan [Irani and Anandan, 2000] assumes that the 
noise is separable in a 3D feature point contribution and a 
frame contribution. In other words if a 3D feature point 
has a relatively high uncertainty in one frame it is assumed 
that it has a similar high uncertainty in all other frames. 
However, large differences in the variance of the individual 
2D feature points is critical to the implementation of robust 
statistical techniques that can deal with feature point noise, 
missing features, and feature mismatch in single frames. 
As an example, a mismatched feature in one frame does 
in general not mean that the same feature mismatch occurs 
A- 15 

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