Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

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ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A ,,Photogrammetric Computer Vision", Graz, 2002 
where V; is an 2k x 2k weighting matrix representing the 
weights of the j^^ column of S. In the case of Gaussian 
noise Vj Vj is the covariance structure of 5; and (8) is 
equivalent to minimizing the Mahalanobis distance. 
3.1 Separation with Weights 
The solution to (8) is M. and P given S and V;. Note 
that a SVD can not be applied as for (5). To solve (8), a 
method similar to the idea in the Christy-Horaud factor- 
ization algorithm [Christy and Horaud, 1996] is proposed. 
This method is generally known as surrogate modeling, see 
e.g. [Booker et al., 1999]. Surrogate modeling works by 
applying a computationally 'simpler' model to iteratively 
approximate the original 'hard" problem. 
The best known example of surrogate modeling is probably 
the Newton optimization method. Here a 2"? order poly- 
nomial is approximated to the objective function in each 
iteration and a temporary optimum is achieved. This tem- 
porary optimum is then used to make a new 2" order ap- 
proximation, and thus a new temporary optimum. This is 
continued until convergence is achieved. 
Here (5) is used to iteratively approximate (8) getting a 
temporary optimum, which in turn can be used to make a 
new approximation. The approximation is performed by 
modifying the original data, S, such that the solution to 
(5) with the modified data, S, is the same as (8) with the 
original data. By letting ^ denoting modified data, the goal 
is to obtain: 
min». IV;(S; — MP;)||3 = ©) 
min >, IS; — MP; 
where N = [N; ...N,] denotes the residuals: 
N; = S; - MP; 
hereby the subspace, M, can be found via SVD and P via 
the normal equations once M is known. Let q denote the 
iteration number, then the algorithm goes as follows: 
1. Initialize $9 = S, q = 1. 
2. Estimate Model Get M? by the singular vectors cor- 
responding to the three largest singular values of S471, 
via SVD. Get P? from 
vj: Pre[weVTVvawe| MUVIV,S, 
3. Calculate Residuals N? = S - M? P? 
M? P 
Modify Data 
Figure 2: A geometric illustration of how the data is mod- 
ified in steps 3. and 4. of the proposed algorithm for sepa- 
ration with weights. 
4. Modify Data 
Nj: NS V;N; 
S9 — MIP!+N7 
5. If Not Stop q = q + 1, goto 2. The stop criteria is 
||N* — N*?^!|l;5 « tolerance 
As illustrated in Figure 2 the data, S;, is modified such 
that the Frobenius norm of the modified residuals, NY, are 
equal to norm of the original residuals, NŸ, in the norm 
induced by the weights, V ;. The last part of step 2. ensures 
that the residual, IN, is orthogonal to M in the induced 
norm, since M?P$ is the projection of S; onto M7 in the 
induced norm. 
The reason this approach is used, and not a quasi-Newton 
method,e.g. BFGS [Fletcher, 1987] on (8), is that faster 
and more reliable results are obtained. In part because that 
with ’standard’ optimization methods the problem is very 
likely to become ill-conditioned due to the potentially large 
differences in weights. 
To illustrate this, some test runs were made, comparing the 
computation time needed to solve some 'typical' problems, 
see Table 1. The S matrix was formed by (3) where to 
noise was added from a compound Gaussian distribution. 
The compound distribution was formed by two Gaussian 
distributions, one with a standard deviation 10 times larger 
than the other. The frequency of the larger varying Gaus- 
sian is the Noise Ratio. It is seen, that the proposed method 
performs better than BFGS, and that the BFGS approach 
did not converge for S = 40 x 40 and Noise Ratio=0.5. 
3.2 Arbitrary Error Functions 
When dealing with erroneous data, robust statistical norms 
or error functions become interesting, see e.g. [Black and 

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