Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A ,,Photogrammetric Computer Vision", Graz, 2002 
Toni Schenk 
CEEGS Department 
The Ohio State University 
Bea Csathó 
Byrd Polar Research Center 
The Ohio State University 
Commission Ill, Working Group 6 
KEY WORDS: Fusion, Lidar, Aerial Imagery, Surface Reconstruction, DEM/DTM 
Photogrammetry is the traditional method of surface reconstruction such as the generation of DTMs. Recently, LIDAR 
emerged as a new technology for rapidly capturing data on physical surfaces. The high accuracy and automation potential 
results in a quick delivery of DEMs/DTMs derived from the raw laser data. The two methods deliver complementary surface 
information. Thus it makes sense to combine data from the two sensors to arrive at a more robust and complete surface 
reconstruction. This paper describes two aspects of merging aerial imagery and LIDAR data. The establishment of a 
common reference frame is an absolute prerequisite. We solve this alignment problem by utilizing sensor-invariant features. 
Such features correspond to the same object space phenomena, for example to breaklines and surface patches. Matched 
sensor invariant features lend themselves to establishing a common reference frame. Feature-level fusion is performed with 
sensor specific features that are related to surface characteristics. We show the synergism between these features resulting 
in a richer and more abstract surface description. 
It has long been recognized that surfaces play an impor- 
tant role in the quest of reconstructing scenes from sensory 
data such as images. The traditional method of reconstruct- 
ing surfaces is by photogrammetry. Here, a feature on the 
ground, say a point or a linear feature, is reconstructed from 
two or more overlapping aerial images. This requires the 
identification of the ground feature in the images as well as 
their exterior orientation. The crucial step in this process is 
the identification of the same ground feature. Human oper- 
ators are remarkably adept in finding conjugate (identical) 
features. DEMs generated by operators on analytical plot- 
ters or on softcopy workstations are of high quality but the 
process is time and cost intensive. Thus, major research 
efforts have been devoted to make stereopsis an automatic 
Recently, airborne and spaceborne laser altimetry has 
emerged as a promising method to capture digital eleva- 
tion data effectively and accurately. In the following we use 
LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) as an acronym for the 
various laser altimetry methods. An ever increasing range 
of applications takes advantage of the high accuracy poten- 
tial, dense sampling, and the high degree of automation that 
results in a quick delivery of products derived from the raw 
laser data. 
Photogrammetry and LIDAR have their unique advantages 
and drawbacks for reconstructing surfaces. It is interest- 
ing to note that some of the shortcomings of one method 
can be compensated by advantages the other method of- 
fers. Hence it makes eminent sense to combine the two 
methods—we have a classical fusion scenario where the 
synergism of two sensory input data considerably exceeds 
the information obtained by the individual sensors. 
In Section 2 we elaborate on the strengths and weaknesses 
of reconstructing surfaces from LIDAR and aerial imagery. 
We also strongly advocate an explicit surface description 
that greatly benefits subsequent tasks such as object recog- 
nition and image understanding. Useful surface characteris- 
tics are only implicitly available in classical DEMs and DSMs. 
Explicit surface descriptions are also very useful for fusing 
LIDAR and aerial imagery. 
geometric & semantic 
feature extraction 
feature extraction 
Y / Y 
feature correspondence 
common reconstructed 
reference frame 3D surface 
Figure 1: Flow chart of proposed multisensor fusion framework. 
Fig. 1 depicts the flowchart of the proposed multisensor fu- 
sion framework. Although we consider only LIDAR (L) and 
aerial imagery (A) in this paper, the framework and the fol- 
lowing discussions can be easily adopted for including ad- 
ditional sensors, such as a hyperspectral system, see e.g. 
Csathó et al. (1999). The processes on the left side of Fig. 1 
are devoted to the establishment of a common reference 
frame for the raw sensory input data. The result is a unique 
transformation between the sensor systems and the refer- 
ence frame. Section 3 discusses this part of the fusion prob- 
lem in detail. 
The processes on the right side of the figure are aimed at 
the reconstruction of the 3D surface by feature-based fusion. 
This task benefits greatly from having the sensory input data 
(Land A’) aligned. Since the reconstructed surface is de- 
scribed in the common reference frame, it is easy to go back 
A - 310

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