Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A ,,Photogrammetric Computer Vision", Graz, 2002 
parameter space. Similar registration problems can be 
formulated as Hough-like approaches, but the computational 
complexity will remain an overwhelming challenge. 
In this paper we present a new approach to automatic image 
registration, which is compatible with the general ideas of 
Hough-like approaches, but differs in the way of how the 
computational complexity is handled and the application 
task. This approach exploits the duality between the 
observation space and the parameter space in the sense of 
HT. In this approach, as well as the Hough-like ones, the 
problem of image registration is characterized, not by the 
geometric or radiometric properties, but by the mathematical 
transformation that describes the geometrical relationship 
between two images. The proposed approach considers 
different strategy to reduce the computational complexity, 
and is tailored to handle 2-D registration, which is a typical 
case in most of remote sensing imagery. The basic idea 
underpinning the proposed approach is to pair each data 
element belonging to two sets of imagery, with all other data 
in the set, through a mathematical transformation that 
describes the geometrical relationship between them. The 
results of pairing are encoded and exploited in histogram-like 
arrays (parameter space) as clusters of votes. Binning in the 
specified range of the registration parameters generates these 
clusters. The process of using geometrically invariant 
features is considered as a strategy to reduce the 
computational complexity generated by the high 
dimensionality of the mathematical transformation. This 
approach does not require feature matching. Matched 
features will be recovered as a by-product of this approach. 
The developed approach is accommodated with full 
uncertainty modeling and analysis using a least squares 
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the 
proposed methodology, section 3 presents the experimental 
results, section 4 discusses the obtained results, and finally 
section 5 concludes the paper. 
The basic idea underpinning the proposed approach is to 
compare common data elements of two images with all other 
data contained in those images through a mathematical 
transformation that describes the geometrical relationship 
between them. This approach considers two basic 
assumptions. First, the characteristics of the object space give 
rise to detectable features such as points and lines in both 
images, and at least part of these features are common to 
both images. Second, the two images can be aligned by a 2-D 
transformation. The basic process starts with feature 
extraction, followed by geometric invariant features 
construction, and then parameter space clustering. For the 
interest of developing an intuitive understanding of the basic 
process, each step is highlighted briefly, while a through 
discussion is deferred to the subsections below. First, in the 
presented study point features are dealt with. Second, in 
order to construct geometric invariant features, each point in 
the first image is related to a collection of other points in the 
same image defining a geometric arrangement whose 
properties remain invariant under a chosen transformation. 
The same process is applied to the second image. By 
constructing geometric invariant features, we did not impose 
any geometric constraint on the original image features such 
as straightness. However, the geometric properties of the 
mathematical transformation are considered. Invariant 
A - 319 
features, constructed from the two images to be registered, 
characterize these properties. Invariant features gave rise to a 
set of mathematical transformations with a reduced 
dimensionality. This set of mathematical transformations was 
used as voting (clustering) functions in the parameter space. 
Third, the basic idea of parameter space clustering is to 
compare the data element gathered from two sets according 
to a pre-specified observation equation (voting function). The 
results of comparison will point to different locations in the 
parameter space. The pointing is achieved by incrementing 
each admissible location by one during the voting process. A 
coexisting location in the parameter space, defined by the 
data elements that satisfy the observation equation, will be 
incremented several times forming a global maximum in the 
parameter space. This maximum will be evaluated as a 
consistency measure between the two data sets. 
In the sequel of the three subsections below, we present a 
detailed derivation of geometric invariant features, the 
principle of parameter space clustering and least squares 
2.1 Construction of Geometric Invariant Features 
In general, geometric invariants can be defined as properties 
(functions) of geometric configurations that do not change 
under a certain class of transformations (Mundy and 
Zisserman, 1992). For instance, the length of a line does not 
change under rigid motion such as translations and rotation. 
In this subsection geometric invariance will be developed for 
point sets under similarity transformation. Assume that we 
have two point sets, P and Q, extracted from two images, 
where Pz (Gs. y). |i=1,...,m} and 
O= (yy, |j-L.,n]. A registration is to find a 
correspondence between a point p, in P and a certain point 
q ; in Q; that makes this corresponding pair consistent under 
a selected mathematical transformation. The similarity 
transformation, f (T uL wu) is used as registration 
y are the 
function between the two sets, where 1, E 
translation along the x and y-axes, s is the scale factor, and 0 
is the rotation angle between the two images. Let 
(Dj ; D) and (dj > dq) be two corresponding pairs in 
P and Q respectively. Geometric invariant quantities under 
the similarity transformation can be derived as follows: 
En. T, ES ame -sinO | xj (1) 
y T, sin 0 cos0 Vil 
Xj2 i T, +5 2056 —sin6 | x;2 (2) 
yj T, sind  cosÓ | yi2 
By deriving the vector quantities between ( Pip 2) and 
(dj G 55) we will end up with: 
0 > cos —sinO | xj2 — Xj 
= S 
0 sind cos@ | vin — Vi 
x2 2 
Yj2 3X7 

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