Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A ,,»Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
(a) Ikonos monocular imagery taken over the 
(b) Result of off-terrain points extracted by our method, which 
is shown as red dots 
test area 
Figure. 8 Experimental results derived from real LIDAR dataset collected over a test area of east London. 
Lidar data supplied by and (C) Infoterra. Includes material which is (C) Space Imaging L.P.. IKONOS 
and LIDAR data for East London courtesy of Prof. J-P Muller and the BNSC-LINK RISKMAP project 
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(@) Interpolated original LIDAR dat 
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(b) Result of the terrain surface reconstructed by our method 
Figure. 9 Experimental results derived from real LIDAR dataset collected over a test area of Shrewsbury in UK 
LIDAR data courtesy of the Environment Agency of U.K. 
(a) Interpolated (b) Result of the terrain surface reconstructed by our method 
Figure. 10 Experimental results derived from real LIDAR dataset collected over Vaihingen area. LIDAR 
data courtesy of the OEEPE working groups on LIDAR and IfSAR. 
A - 344

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